recropphotorecrop3 LikesIMG_7088photoIMG_70885 Likes032 Hakuna Matatavideo032 Hakuna Matata2 LikesEins first four monthsvideoEins first four months4 LikesClean to meet Dad's workmates today!photoClean to meet Dad's workmates today!5 LikesYou gonna need a bigga sink!photoYou gonna need a bigga sink!10 LikesDSC_1240photoDSC_12405 LikesThrow the ball! Hurry! For the 100th time!photoThrow the ball! Hurry! For the 100th time!2 LikesDSC02566photoDSC025665 LikesCooper & ChasiephotoCooper & Chasie1 LikeDSC02413photoDSC024139 Likesjeter 2011photojeter 20111 LikeCorgi's first snow rompvideoCorgi's first snow romp4 LikesVideo uploaded on November 5, 2011videoVideo uploaded on November 5, 20115 LikesCory the corgi enjoying some ice cream!videoCory the corgi enjoying some ice cream!4 LikesHappy GirlphotoHappy Girl2 LikesTuckerphotoTucker2 LikesWell good morning!photoWell good morning!2 LikesBrian - 13 weeksphotoBrian - 13 weeks6 LikesCorgi Gets MailvideoCorgi Gets Mail3 LikesCat Lady loves Corgis?
Since the arrival of Lilly, I’m a busy little bee. She is so hyper right now and seems to never run out…