Tuckered out 02photoTuckered out 022 Likeslapdogphotolapdog4 LikesIMG_1256photoIMG_12564 LikesNow I am officially a fishing dog!photoNow I am officially a fishing dog!2 LikesDad...this fish is too tiny!photoDad...this fish is too tiny!1 LikeDittophotoDitto4 LikesLouie playing with bettyphotoLouie playing with betty1 LikePeekaboo!photoPeekaboo!4 Likes7-20-12photo7-20-121 LikeHi mommy?!?!photoHi mommy?!?!4 Likesphoto 09-05-33photophoto 09-05-333 LikesFerrisphotoFerris4 LikesHi handsomephotoHi handsome1 LikeIMG_1585photoIMG_15852 LikesPee-A-BoophotoPee-A-Boo2 LikesPippins first ride with JessikaphotoPippins first ride with Jessika3 LikesPip and Rogue's new toyphotoPip and Rogue's new toy2 LikesWait for another ride!photoWait for another ride!2 LikesPippin and DrayaphotoPippin and Draya1 LikePip in the boatphotoPip in the boat1 Likewillowphotowillow1 Like