Radar_PortsmouthRI_2010photoRadar_PortsmouthRI_20103 LikesDSC_0420photoDSC_04202 LikesDSC_0283photoDSC_02833 LikesWalkies PleasephotoWalkies Please2 LikesNice eyesphotoNice eyes3 LikesI'm flying!photoI'm flying!2 LikesEl Doggo Cute OverloadphotoEl Doggo Cute Overload5 LikesTess on GrassphotoTess on Grass2 LikesOne Ear Up CropphotoOne Ear Up Crop3 LikesBog Roll DestructionphotoBog Roll Destruction5 Likescorgi nap trainphotocorgi nap train2 Likessleepy pupsphotosleepy pups1 Likewhat is going on herephotowhat is going on here5 LikesHeidiphotoHeidi2 LikesDickens and Caruso stretched out near the wo…photoDickens and Caruso stretched out near the wo…2 LikesBest buddies - biggest and smallest dogs, Ap…photoBest buddies - biggest and smallest dogs, Ap…4 Likesjust keep swimming...photojust keep swimming...1 LikeWell maybe I might tryphotoWell maybe I might try1 LikeDSC01744photoDSC017441 LikeJust a nap under the bedphotoJust a nap under the bed5 LikesSleepin in the SunphotoSleepin in the Sun1 Like