Rugby and Tucker 3-2014 editedphotoRugby and Tucker 3-2014 edited1 Like20140316_113134photo20140316_1131342 Likes20140309_135948photo20140309_1359481 Like20140322_143251photo20140322_1432513 LikesTennessee/Kentucky CorgisGroupTennessee/Kentucky Corgis7 Likeson floorphotoon floor4 LikesIMG_4974photoIMG_49745 LikesWhy do they have to grow! I wish they stayed…photoWhy do they have to grow! I wish they stayed…5 LikesAnother time she was being stubborn and not…photoAnother time she was being stubborn and not…2 LikesSweet Subie! She loves going for hikes, we c…photoSweet Subie! She loves going for hikes, we c…3 LikesThey're just adorable together!photoThey're just adorable together!6 Likessweet pupphotosweet pup2 Likesmiggy canoeingphotomiggy canoeing2 LikesMiggy's first time in snowphotoMiggy's first time in snow3 Likes
March 2014
Lance WalkingvideoLance Walking4 LikesNot so sure about that thermometor.photoNot so sure about that thermometor.5 LikesIMG_0203photoIMG_02034 LikesIMG_4545photoIMG_45454 LikesIMG_4386photoIMG_43864 LikesHi everyone!photoHi everyone!4 LikesSpoiled Rotten CorgisGroupSpoiled Rotten Corgis18 Likes