Strange sleep habitsphotoStrange sleep habits4 LikesChilling on the Chill PadphotoChilling on the Chill Pad2 LikesCorgi 2014photoCorgi 20144 LikesNutmeg porchphotoNutmeg porch5 LikesBedphotoBed3 LikesLazy puppyphotoLazy puppy3 LikesPassed outphotoPassed out5 Likes
July 2015
waiting for Dadphotowaiting for Dad4 LikesCan someone help me pleasephotoCan someone help me please3 LikesI didn't do this...I'm protecting it!photoI didn't do this...I'm protecting it!4 LikesCorgi casephotoCorgi case1 LikeSleepy TuckerphotoSleepy Tucker3 LikesCorgi minionphotoCorgi minion4 LikesTucker 2015photoTucker 20153 LikesJust got a Bordetella Shot :(photoJust got a Bordetella Shot :(2 LikesShippo at Palmer ParkphotoShippo at Palmer Park3 LikesShippo at Garden of the GodsphotoShippo at Garden of the Gods2 Likes10906446_1551533258436685_508722924264159397…photo10906446_1551533258436685_508722924264159397…4 LikesShe's home!
Here's our sweet girl, Tegan! We've had a great first day together.…
BlogShe's home!10 LikesDSCF0647 (2)photoDSCF0647 (2)5 LikesHappy 4th of July - 2015photoHappy 4th of July - 20155 Likes