IMG_1219photoIMG_12192 Likesfacebook_-1330137802photofacebook_-13301378024 Likes12/2011photo12/20111 LikeVote for Frosty = Hoping to benefit Mycorgi.…Hello my friends. I am sending out a personal plee to everyone I know, and I hope you will also pass it on to those that you know.
Please go to the link below and vote for Frosty. I have entered…DiscussionVote for Frosty = Hoping to benefit Mycorgi.…3 LikesDrumsticksphotoDrumsticks4 Likestumblr_lx4yf1iZ2T1r97j49o1_500phototumblr_lx4yf1iZ2T1r97j49o1_5005 LikesMy puppies 2videoMy puppies 23 LikesSHE MADE ME POSE - DOGGIE CAKE - OTHER FOOD.photoSHE MADE ME POSE - DOGGIE CAKE - OTHER FOOD.11 LikesMORE ADULT LOOKING RANDY (RT)photoMORE ADULT LOOKING RANDY (RT)4 LikesGirlfriend (SP Dutchess Jelly Bean)photoGirlfriend (SP Dutchess Jelly Bean)2 LikesBiscuit (SP Indian Oaks Fancy Hoolihan)photoBiscuit (SP Indian Oaks Fancy Hoolihan)6 LikesArcherphotoArcher4 LikesOk what nowphotoOk what now1 LikeCar ride to QTphotoCar ride to QT1 LikeJust a babyphotoJust a baby1 LikeCheeeeese!photoCheeeeese!5 LikesRub My Belly!photoRub My Belly!5 LikesOur New Sophie Born Sept 2011DiscussionOur New Sophie Born Sept 20112 LikesMartie SuephotoMartie Sue1 LikeLucyphotoLucy5 Likesthe ever-vigilant Welsh Otterphotothe ever-vigilant Welsh Otter2 Likes