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Franklin wishes everyone a happy and safe…
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December 2012
"one day the ducks will be mine!"photo"one day the ducks will be mine!"3 LikesScreen shot 2012-12-29 at 2.44.57 PMphotoScreen shot 2012-12-29 at 2.44.57 PM4 LikesScreen shot 2012-12-29 at 2.46.10 PMphotoScreen shot 2012-12-29 at 2.46.10 PM2 LikesMiley is finally home just in time for the h…photoMiley is finally home just in time for the h…4 LikesMiley - 8 weeksphotoMiley - 8 weeks3 LikesMileyphotoMiley3 LikesMiley meets Mocha!photoMiley meets Mocha!1 LikeHi Daddy!!photoHi Daddy!!1 LikeSnow ballphotoSnow ball2 LikesNew family member BrandyAfter losing our girl Dee Dee on November 3, 2012, my husband and I were devastated. But we knew we needed to get another dog since both are so totally dog people, and I (espcially) missed the compa…DiscussionNew family member Brandy15 LikesHoliday Tip GuideShow a little appreciation to those who took care of your babies this year, here's the…BlogHoliday Tip Guide1 Like