Isabella and RicardophotoIsabella and Ricardo4 LikesMomogi, my princess =DphotoMomogi, my princess =D1 LikeMy baby and my corgi =DphotoMy baby and my corgi =D9 Likes3 stooges ^_^photo3 stooges ^_^4 LikesHappy New Year!
Franklin wishes everyone a happy and safe…
BlogHappy New Year!10 LikesGwynniephotoGwynnie6 Likesmountan surfphotomountan surf7 Likesloganontreephotologanontree6 Likes
December 2012
"one day the ducks will be mine!"photo"one day the ducks will be mine!"3 LikesScreen shot 2012-12-29 at 2.44.57 PMphotoScreen shot 2012-12-29 at 2.44.57 PM4 LikesScreen shot 2012-12-29 at 2.46.10 PMphotoScreen shot 2012-12-29 at 2.46.10 PM2 LikesMiley is finally home just in time for the h…photoMiley is finally home just in time for the h…4 LikesMiley - 8 weeksphotoMiley - 8 weeks3 LikesMileyphotoMiley3 LikesMiley meets Mocha!photoMiley meets Mocha!1 LikeHi Daddy!!photoHi Daddy!!1 LikeSnow ballphotoSnow ball2 LikesNew family member BrandyAfter losing our girl Dee Dee on November 3, 2012, my husband and I were devastated. But we knew we needed to get another dog since both are so totally dog people, and I (espcially) missed the compa…DiscussionNew family member Brandy15 LikesHoliday Tip GuideShow a little appreciation to those who took care of your babies this year, here's the…BlogHoliday Tip Guide1 LikeOMG! we are growin by four paws!!!photoOMG! we are growin by four paws!!!8 LikesPhoto uploaded on October 27, 2012photoPhoto uploaded on October 27, 20121 Like