Snow ballphotoSnow ball2 LikesNew family member BrandyAfter losing our girl Dee Dee on November 3, 2012, my husband and I were devastated. But we knew we needed to get another dog since both are so totally dog people, and I (espcially) missed the compa…DiscussionNew family member Brandy15 LikesHoliday Tip GuideShow a little appreciation to those who took care of your babies this year, here's the…BlogHoliday Tip Guide1 LikeOMG! we are growin by four paws!!!photoOMG! we are growin by four paws!!!8 LikesPhoto uploaded on October 27, 2012photoPhoto uploaded on October 27, 20121 LikePhoto uploaded on October 27, 2012photoPhoto uploaded on October 27, 20123 LikesMurray wishes you all a Merry Christmas....with lots of cookies for all
BlogMurray wishes you all a Merry Christmas....with lots of cookies for all9 LikesMerry Christmas!
BlogMerry Christmas!7 LikesDashing LokiphotoDashing Loki4 LikesMy crazy kids.photoMy crazy kids.3 LikesWhat a happy girl!photoWhat a happy girl!4 LikesCousin Isabella and Lance 2 years agophotoCousin Isabella and Lance 2 years ago1 LikeHappy Holidays Corgi Nation from the Levy's
BlogHappy Holidays Corgi Nation from the Levy's7 Likespicture perfect poochphotopicture perfect pooch1 Likewe wish you a merry xmasphotowe wish you a merry xmas3 LikesAll i want for Christmas is Favorite.photoAll i want for Christmas is Favorite.9 LikesRonin and RowdyphotoRonin and Rowdy4 LikesSky at 4 weeksphotoSky at 4 weeks2 LikesLuffy sporting his new Jingle bell collar fo…videoLuffy sporting his new Jingle bell collar fo…5 LikesAnd the winner is??????videoAnd the winner is??????5 LikesWe're writing another song. Please help.Inspired by a new puppy named Abbey <a href=""></a>
John Prine, "Dear Abbey"
Dear Abby, Dear Abby, please answer my mail,
My ears are too big…DiscussionWe're writing another song. Please help.3 Likes