DSC00020photoDSC000205 LikesDSC00027photoDSC000276 LikesDSCN1430aphotoDSCN1430a1 LikeSage finally found her Fairy...
Sage always loves the attention at Ren Fest but today was special as she got to hang out with this beautiful creature.…
BlogSage finally found her Fairy...13 Likesphotophotophoto4 LikesCarly Rae Jepsen - Call Me Maybe - Corgi Rae…videoCarly Rae Jepsen - Call Me Maybe - Corgi Rae…3 Likes"m" marking?photo"m" marking?4 Likestoys!phototoys!6 Likes2012-07-24_11-34-01_612photo2012-07-24_11-34-01_6122 Likes2012-08-13_12-31-39_695photo2012-08-13_12-31-39_6952 Likes2012-08-27_15-57-45_548photo2012-08-27_15-57-45_5485 LikesAce + Miel - 6 September 2012photoAce + Miel - 6 September 20128 LikesCorgi Puppy FrappingvideoCorgi Puppy Frapping10 LikesFour pondering life or smelling food!photoFour pondering life or smelling food!2 Likeseyetoeyephotoeyetoeye1 Likewhatearsphotowhatears1 Likebignosephotobignose1 LikeI'm ready!photoI'm ready!11 Likesthey love each other.....photothey love each other.....1 Likeastro & starla.photoastro & starla.1 LikeCIMG8902photoCIMG89021 Like