DSC_0096photoDSC_00962 LikesDSC_0104photoDSC_01042 LikesAce 9 - 16 May 2012photoAce 9 - 16 May 20122 LikesAce - 27 June 2012photoAce - 27 June 20122 LikesAce 8 - 16 May 2012photoAce 8 - 16 May 20126 LikesGetting a little bit "chunky"....photoGetting a little bit "chunky"....4 Likes
June 2012
DSC_0161photoDSC_01611 LikeDSC_0043photoDSC_00431 LikeDSC_0158photoDSC_01582 Likeshead highphotohead high5 LikesNo TitlevideoNo Title3 LikesCamo CorgivideoCamo Corgi1 LikeI can swims in grass!photoI can swims in grass!6 LikesJerk!photoJerk!2 Likes2012-06-08_14-52-36_222photo2012-06-08_14-52-36_2223 Likes2012-06-08_14-51-40_280photo2012-06-08_14-51-40_2803 LikesIf you're sexy and you know itphotoIf you're sexy and you know it8 Likeswhy hellophotowhy hello3 Likeshappy happy joy joy!photohappy happy joy joy!4 Likescarly and frankiephotocarly and frankie1 LikeMy corgi may be worth $5,000.00! lolMy corgi, Romeo may be worth $5,000.00! Lol He escaped from his crate and found his way to 2 lottery scratch off tickets possibly worth $5,000.00 each and promptly chewed them and ate them! He was lo…DiscussionMy corgi may be worth $5,000.00! lol6 Likes