Corgi Totem PolephotoCorgi Totem Pole6 LikesTank SmilingphotoTank Smiling3 LikesPhoto uploaded on May 12, 2012photoPhoto uploaded on May 12, 20124 LikesPhoto uploaded on May 12, 2012photoPhoto uploaded on May 12, 20126 LikesIMG_1105photoIMG_11053 Likesdoing some training with luffyvideodoing some training with luffy5 Likesuhh mom I got into ...photouhh mom I got into ...3 Likes185216photo1852163 Likes577582_10151780974025727_571120726_24544045_…photo577582_10151780974025727_571120726_24544045_…3 Likes1057-1photo1057-12 Likes309932_10151780973000727_571120726_24544044_…photo309932_10151780973000727_571120726_24544044_…2 LikesShippo's Balancing on the Ball Training: Day…videoShippo's Balancing on the Ball Training: Day…4 LikesShippo's Beginner Figure 8 Through the LegsvideoShippo's Beginner Figure 8 Through the Legs1 LikeGromit and Sparkle battlingvideoGromit and Sparkle battling7 LikesWE WON THE SQUISHABLE DOG CONTEST!!!Hey Everyone!
So exciting!!!! We have prevailed!
The Corgi won the <a href=""></a> contest!!!
Be sure to buy your corgi when it comes out!!!! Looks like no one can resist th…DiscussionWE WON THE SQUISHABLE DOG CONTEST!!!5 LikesReally Pretty Shippo Picture!
It's been a long time since I've gotten a nice standing profile (stack/"show pose") type photo of Shippo. …
BlogReally Pretty Shippo Picture!11 LikesA Letter to AceDear Ace,
Today is your first birthday. I made you a "cake" of raw hamburger, chicken leg quarter, cream cheese and green beans - your favorites. You meticulously licked the cheese off of EVERYTHIN…DiscussionA Letter to Ace4 LikesTitanphotoTitan1 Likephoto-8photophoto-85 LikesScout says "Mom!"videoScout says "Mom!"4 LikesTonyTheDogphotoTonyTheDog1 Like