BunnyphotoBunny1 LikeAnyone else coming on board?photoAnyone else coming on board?4 Likesbest corgi art?So who has a favorite artist that's really captured corgi behavior and spirit? I really like Karen Howell....she has one scene of corgis inserted in the Van Gogh "starry night" that's pretty great.Discussionbest corgi art?2 Likesmom teaches puppiesvideomom teaches puppies10 Likesphoto-231photophoto-2311 LikeIMG_1202photoIMG_12024 LikesQuiet PlayvideoQuiet Play5 LikesLeasaMemberLeasa2 Likesafter along dayphotoafter along day1 LikeHappy Sammy/2012photoHappy Sammy/20125 LikesMaddie, Sam, and RubyMemberMaddie, Sam, and Ruby1 LikeTHE ULTIMATE VIKINGS FANS!!!!!!photoTHE ULTIMATE VIKINGS FANS!!!!!!1 LikeGO VIKINGS!!!!!photoGO VIKINGS!!!!!1 LikeEdward and GemimaMemberEdward and Gemima2 LikesAnnaglen + Piper!!MemberAnnaglen + Piper!!3 LikesScott+Nicola+BrodyMemberScott+Nicola+Brody4 LikesCorgi hat!photoCorgi hat!14 LikesTaffy and sibs at 1 month…photoTaffy and sibs at 1 month…2 LikesTaffy at 1 month (2)photoTaffy at 1 month (2)2 LikesSilly SmilephotoSilly Smile12 LikesPiper is finally home!!Our lives have been a pleasant whirlwind of excitement and "new parent syndrome" since this past Friday when we brought Piper home!! I don't think I have ever been that excited to write out a huge ch…DiscussionPiper is finally home!!3 Likes