trip to SD!phototrip to SD!1 LikeLeela decked out for ChristmasphotoLeela decked out for Christmas3 LikesYoliephotoYolie6 LikesSleepin'photoSleepin'5 LikesSleepy afternoon, all the sisters together!photoSleepy afternoon, all the sisters together!4 Likes365 Day Calendar - More Updates!!!Hey everybody! I am super super excited about the 365 day calendar, but it looks like Sam is having trouble getting enough photos. Let's all help out and send in some more photos!!
Here's the link…Discussion365 Day Calendar - More Updates!!!7 LikesHDR CorgiphotoHDR Corgi2 LikesGreat Corgi CardI found this wonderful card at World Market. It looks like my Izzy!DiscussionGreat Corgi Card12 LikesNew YearsphotoNew Years1 LikeCrazy JerseyphotoCrazy Jersey1 LikeSleepingphotoSleeping4 LikesChristine JonesMemberChristine Jones1 LikeDSC_0008photoDSC_00083 LikesDSC_0001photoDSC_00011 LikeCorgiCouchphotoCorgiCouch3 LikesSecurity SystemphotoSecurity System3 LikesThe Christmas HamphotoThe Christmas Ham3 LikesBuddha and Maggie JophotoBuddha and Maggie Jo1 LikeLucyphotoLucy1 LikeThe BoysphotoThe Boys5 LikesChristmasElfBuddhaphotoChristmasElfBuddha3 Likes