Tammey & CavenMemberTammey & Caven1 LikeKristinMemberKristin1 LikeLobster & the WitchphotoLobster & the Witch2 LikesIMG_2207photoIMG_22073 LikesYoung MochaphotoYoung Mocha7 LikesIMG_0117photoIMG_01174 LikesDSC01084photoDSC010844 LikesIMG_0062photoIMG_00624 Likeshope everyone had a merry christmas! (or hap…i just got back from being in Mi with my family for Christmas so if i didnt respond to emails and comments thats why, its not because i left this site;)
i hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and y…Discussionhope everyone had a merry christmas! (or hap…5 LikesMocha & Vienna Wrestling MatchphotoMocha & Vienna Wrestling Match3 LikesMocha and Vienna taking a rest after a chase…photoMocha and Vienna taking a rest after a chase…1 LikeSandy StickneyMemberSandy Stickney2 LikesCorgis on PatrolphotoCorgis on Patrol3 LikesKirby Baby PicphotoKirby Baby Pic4 Likeskirbyphotokirby2 LikesBodie & Kota Cuddle 2photoBodie & Kota Cuddle 23 LikesKirby & Kota ChillphotoKirby & Kota Chill6 LikesWe share everythingphotoWe share everything2 LikesKirby & Kota give Santa their wish listphotoKirby & Kota give Santa their wish list3 LikesKirby & Kota CuddlephotoKirby & Kota Cuddle1 Like