Captain ElvisphotoCaptain Elvis3 Likes2012 Calendar
We're doing TWO calendars this year, regular wall size like last year AND 365 page a day version!
Here are this year's submission rules: 1. ONE photo PER member 2. Dogs only, no human or o…Discussion2012 Calendar11 LikesJohn, Alphonse and PinoMemberJohn, Alphonse and Pino2 LikesStrauss & Olivia Oct 2011photoStrauss & Olivia Oct 20115 LikesMonkey see, monkey dophotoMonkey see, monkey do4 LikesNap timephotoNap time5 LikesIMG 0152photoIMG 01521 LikeIMG 0148--use--Dewey and mephotoIMG 0148--use--Dewey and me1 LikeDewey at 7 3/4 weeks old just home from the…photoDewey at 7 3/4 weeks old just home from the…1 LikeIt's the Birthday Boy: Dewey Age 4photoIt's the Birthday Boy: Dewey Age 43 LikesMoosephotoMoose2 LikesMoosephotoMoose1 LikeHalloween 2011photoHalloween 20116 LikesData Bday celebrationphotoData Bday celebration4 LikesSandy frolics with Balletcor youngstersphotoSandy frolics with Balletcor youngsters2 LikesPlay TimephotoPlay Time1 LikeFirst Vet VisitphotoFirst Vet Visit2 LikesTeri has the sweetest face.photoTeri has the sweetest face.1 LikeTeri and her little sister, Annie, playing.photoTeri and her little sister, Annie, playing.2 LikesBelly up...Teri as a wee little pup....I mis…photoBelly up...Teri as a wee little pup....I mis…3 LikesNimh's sweet smilephotoNimh's sweet smile2 Likes