WatchcrittersphotoWatchcritters4 Likesjune 2 2011 018photojune 2 2011 0182 LikesZeus and his giant ropephotoZeus and his giant rope1 Likezeus's first springphotozeus's first spring4 Likeszeus smelling the flowers :)photozeus smelling the flowers :)3 LikesPuppy Up-Date.
I am not going to take up much space with non-Corgi business…
BlogPuppy Up-Date.2 LikesSynchronized SnoozingphotoSynchronized Snoozing13 LikesCollective Nap TimephotoCollective Nap Time12 LikesFender, Rickenbacker, and Gibson at ChristmasphotoFender, Rickenbacker, and Gibson at Christmas3 LikesGibson FeedbackphotoGibson Feedback2 Likesbento_grinsphotobento_grins1 Likelooking_offphotolooking_off1 Likemouthful_bonephotomouthful_bone2 Likeswild cousinsWashington Trails Ass'n Photo Gallery July 2011.
Features a lovely photo of 2 foxes at Paradise, Mt. Rainier National Park, apparently habituated to humans. I have occasionally seen tracks in snow in…Discussionwild cousins3 Likespudge with caterpillar s/p antennaectomyphotopudge with caterpillar s/p antennaectomy1 Likeside stripesphotoside stripes1 Likepudge with frankie flamingophotopudge with frankie flamingo1 Likethings on my corgiphotothings on my corgi1 LikePazu and Mochi RestingphotoPazu and Mochi Resting1 LikeMochi SniffsphotoMochi Sniffs2 Likes