Something smells yummyphotoSomething smells yummy1 LikeDad, I'm tired...leave me alonephotoDad, I'm tired...leave me alone1 LikeSmilingphotoSmiling1 LikeBillyphotoBilly2 LikesWatching the Royal WeddingphotoWatching the Royal Wedding1 LikeDSC03561photoDSC035611 LikeCheeky!!!photoCheeky!!!1 LikeI present Bear playing Heath Ledger playing The Joker...BlogI present Bear playing Heath Ledger playing The Joker...8 LikesOct. 07 - March 08 008photoOct. 07 - March 08 0081 LikeAlgy benchphotoAlgy bench1 LikeRainy on the couchphotoRainy on the couch1 LikeFinn Napping (13 wks)photoFinn Napping (13 wks)1 LikeFound a Name
It wasn't one I posted. I was listening to my iPod on my way to work and I figured it out. I just had to use it.
BlogFound a Name3 LikesMaggie @8wksphotoMaggie @8wks2 LikesMaggiephotoMaggie2 LikesA new CorgiI am the proud owner of a new Welsh Pembroke Corgi. He was just born on my birthday - June 9. This is my first Corgi; I had two lab springers. They were very sweet and such a big part of my life. I…BlogA new Corgi1 LikeI have a Corgi!!
After a very successful visit this morning, we have…BlogI have a Corgi!!8 LikesHappy Father's Day Wynn with his big (and dirty) little girl,…BlogHappy Father's Day2 LikesSmall dogs, big jobs with Animal Planet<a href=""></a> Just click on the Corgi piece, it is AWESOMEDiscussionSmall dogs, big jobs with Animal Planet23 LikesDSC_0496-1photoDSC_0496-12 Likes