BillyphotoBilly2 LikesWatching the Royal WeddingphotoWatching the Royal Wedding1 LikeDSC03561photoDSC035611 LikeCheeky!!!photoCheeky!!!1 LikeI present Bear playing Heath Ledger playing The Joker...BlogI present Bear playing Heath Ledger playing The Joker...8 LikesOct. 07 - March 08 008photoOct. 07 - March 08 0081 LikeAlgy benchphotoAlgy bench1 LikeRainy on the couchphotoRainy on the couch1 LikeFinn Napping (13 wks)photoFinn Napping (13 wks)1 LikeFound a Name
It wasn't one I posted. I was listening to my iPod on my way to work and I figured it out. I just had to use it.
BlogFound a Name3 LikesMaggie @8wksphotoMaggie @8wks2 LikesMaggiephotoMaggie2 LikesA new CorgiI am the proud owner of a new Welsh Pembroke Corgi. He was just born on my birthday - June 9. This is my first Corgi; I had two lab springers. They were very sweet and such a big part of my life. I…BlogA new Corgi1 LikeI have a Corgi!!
After a very successful visit this morning, we have…BlogI have a Corgi!!8 LikesHappy Father's Day Wynn with his big (and dirty) little girl,…BlogHappy Father's Day2 LikesSmall dogs, big jobs with Animal Planet<a href=""></a> Just click on the Corgi piece, it is AWESOMEDiscussionSmall dogs, big jobs with Animal Planet23 LikesDSC_0496-1photoDSC_0496-12 LikesDSC_0493-1photoDSC_0493-15 LikesC:photoC:1 LikeFrostyphotoFrosty1 Like