CorgiBacksidesphotoCorgiBacksides1 LikeAreyoucomingbackinphotoAreyoucomingbackin2 LikesSnoozingphotoSnoozing2 LikesIMG_0015photoIMG_001515 Likes022photo02220 Likes20110522183424photo201105221834242 Likes463234l_27photo463234l_273 Likescroc_pupphotocroc_pup4 LikesAir CorgiphotoAir Corgi2 LikesBambi and my girlfriendphotoBambi and my girlfriend3 Likesbambiphotobambi3 LikesThey're not listening!videoThey're not listening!5 Likeswater corgivideowater corgi11 LikesWhat I do for a cookie!photoWhat I do for a cookie!1 LikeHappy Memorial Day from Jon Farleigh & Dewi!
BlogHappy Memorial Day from Jon Farleigh & Dewi!12 LikesPotatophotoPotato1 LikePhoto uploaded on May 29, 2011photoPhoto uploaded on May 29, 20111 LikePhoto uploaded on May 29, 2011photoPhoto uploaded on May 29, 20111 LikePhoto uploaded on May 29, 2011photoPhoto uploaded on May 29, 20111 LikePhoto uploaded on May 29, 2011photoPhoto uploaded on May 29, 20111 LikePhoto uploaded on May 29, 2011photoPhoto uploaded on May 29, 20111 Like