Growing upphotoGrowing up15 LikesGetting AlongphotoGetting Along6 LikesNew family member with Coby
Here is our new family member name "Grace". she's only 7 weeks old…
BlogNew family member with Coby6 Likes109 degrees is too hawt!photo109 degrees is too hawt!5 Likes3 times the lovephoto3 times the love3 Likes
July 2012
IMG_1713photoIMG_17131 LikeIMG_1585photoIMG_15852 LikesIMG_1589photoIMG_15892 Likes%22Special%22 napphoto%22Special%22 nap2 LikesDSCF0638photoDSCF06382 LikesMolly!photoMolly!3 LikesCorgi in a BoxphotoCorgi in a Box8 LikesSophie 013photoSophie 0135 LikesThe BoysphotoThe Boys4 LikesOh no she didn't!photoOh no she didn't!1 LikeZiggy was not impressed...photoZiggy was not impressed...3 LikesBaxter and his first AKC title ribbon!photoBaxter and his first AKC title ribbon!2 Likes11 monthsphoto11 months2 LikesPeekaboo!photoPeekaboo!4 Likesstig after kennelphotostig after kennel1 Like_033photo_0331 Like