Here's the other video I couldn't upload so I split in half. Here's the 1st part...

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Comment by Scott Wiley on March 30, 2010 at 10:36am
You will have to bring them out here so they can play with the cows!! I better stop putting videos on here of the city cousins are going to get mad. Yes Joey can see the Milky Way, at night from here you cannot see another light at all
Comment by John Wolff on March 29, 2010 at 8:01pm
Oh man, I'll bet Joey can see the Milky Way, too. Now I gotta change my password so Al & Gwynn can't see this... already they're sneering at me for not selling this stupid little box in the city BEFORE the bubble burst and buying a ranch in Idaho... I try to explain that if I'd done that, we'd be underwater by now... but they don't get it, they just look at me funny.
We're allowed to keep up to five chickens in the city (not making this up). Let's see, maybe a LITTLE cow....?

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