Wafl's first trip to Cannon Beach OR July 2005

This is the screensaver on my computer. Summer 2005. Everywhere we went, people would say" "Oooooooh, is that a CORGI puppy?" It was so funny. Then we met a lot of people who said "Oh, I have a Corgi, but we left him/her at home." We had entered a new world of being Corgi owners.

Wafl was the sweetest puppy. No whining, took to kennel readily, chased our two cats only in the most gentle way, and very outgoing with people and animals. I read that dogs can have a vocabulary of 2000 words, and was determined to teach him a few hundred. He's learned a lot, but he's also grown up a lot since - and his dark side can show...

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Comment by Geri & Sidney on March 12, 2009 at 2:10am
Awesome! Can't wait to hear more about his "dark side"! Seriously, he sounds great..I love being part of the corgi world!

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