we ave a dog named Aaron he is 6 mouths how old does he have to be to mate? if you want to know more comment please.

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Comment by Rose, Aaron and Sarah on September 4, 2009 at 5:19pm
just 2 let you all know we just put an add in the paper and sold our female dog 2 people ask one was really disappointed that she didn't get her and she was a breeder and she wanted 2 know if she could breed her corgi with our corgi she already bread corgis before so she is going to help us and she will give us a corgi puppy for free and I just wanted to know how much longer in till he is ready.
Comment by GoGoRainbow on September 4, 2009 at 3:03pm
wow, I have no idea, but 6 months seems young? Make sure its to a nice girl with good parents when you let him make puppies!
Comment by Carlie on September 4, 2009 at 2:58pm
Please consider doing your research before deciding to breed your corgis. There is so much involved and so many risk factors to take into consideration. Additionally, if you don't have your dogs fixed the possibilities for cancer (testicular in males) increase along with pyometria in females. Also consider the number of stray dogs out there who need homes before deciding to add to the population. I would recommend checking the AKC website along with the PWC website, maybe even email a few breeders. Please do your research to make sure you're making the best decision for your dogs and your family.

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