Today we went for a walk on the giant beach in front of my house.

We rolled in the funny seaweed.

We posed pretty

We got all muddy

We tried to go swimming

We took pictures of us in front of the entire village

And then.....

Blackie ran off chasing a sea gull and did not come back when I called her.  She ran so close to the town and I just kept thinking "I hope a village dog doesn't see her and go after her, I am no where close enough to protect her".  She did come back eventually though and she spent the rest of the walk on a very short leash.   I was so mad at her!

She will be spending the next week or two on a leash for every single one of our walks, there will be no off leash parts of our walks for for foreseeable future. She needs to come when called. This is a safety issue. It's too dangerous for her to run too far away from me because of the other dogs being untrained and aggressive.

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Comment by Geri & Sidney on October 5, 2012 at 12:50am

What great photos! I don't blame you for being mad about the lack of recall, it's my biggest fear if I ever let Sidney off-leash. When they get focused on something, it's like they can't hear anything else.

Comment by Basil on October 2, 2012 at 6:03pm

love the pictures!

Comment by Snickmom on October 1, 2012 at 11:52pm

oh, naughty Blackie! good thing you are adorable. Nothing makes us madder than someone we love in danger- after they are safe. Great pictures!!! There was a discussion recently about how to teach an emergency recall. I'm sure you are going to include some long line recall training, too.

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