We are home! Becca was perfect in the car, hardly a peep. We stopped once for a walk and break up the three hour drive. She has been sniffing and sniffing since we got here. I have wide board wood floors and she has food cat food in the cracks, left from playing the cat food game with Mokey.
No interaction between them so far. Mokey has been watching the pup, who hasn't seen her yet. Mokey was between the couch and the wall within reach. I left it that way for awhile then crated Becca and lured the cat to the bedroom which is gated. As I type Mokey is watching Becca through the baby gate with interest. Becca still hasn't noticed. (She's playing with her kong wubba.) While out walking we encountered a neighbors cat who approached. Becca hid behind me and growled, very unsure of herself.
The bad news is the ziploc of Honest Kitchen they gave me when I picked her up is among the missing. I know it made it to the car... My order to closest store will not be in until Tuesday. She is used to that mixed with Taste of the Wild. Do I just feed that or drive over an hour to get some Honest Kitchen tomorrow?
Oh, cat is out of bedroom, stay tuned.
Lol I feed Frank the exact same thing! I would just feed the Taste of the Wild (if you have it). It won't make her sick to get extra kibble. I feed Franklin Honest Kitchen at night and Taste of the Wild in the morning. When I am traveling or he is staying with my parents I usually just feed Taste of the Wild to make things easier. As long as she is used to the kibble she will be fine.
I hope it stays this easy. Becca went totally submissive, Mokey made her back up a few steps.They sniffed noses and Mokey walked away. Becca hid behind me for a minute then they both went about their business. Becca does make sure to walk way out around the cat.
Becca doesn't like the wire crate. I need to figure out how to fit my extra large plastic one into the living room.
Try tossing a sheet or blanket over the wire crate to make it more enclosed for her. She might want it to feel more den-like.
The tray makes noise when Becca walks on it in the wire crate. I got out my HUGE plastic one. She likes it better, but it dominates the living room.
Hopefully they'll be best friends before long. Pictures?
Sounds like things are going pretty well, really. And to second Jennifer's statement....we want pics!!!! LOL.
I left my camera in my classroom Friday. I'll go get it later today.
I went and got my camera yesterday. She has a hard time holding still long enough for a good shot. All is still going pretty well. I was a little worried yesterday because she was very quiet and out of sorts. Today is better she seems more confident. Becca does not like going potty while on a leash. She had a fence before. I think she finds the lack of privacy appalling.
I love the second picture with the tip of her tongue sticking out. She is adorable!
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