steve smith
  • Peachtree City, GA
  • United States
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Steve smith's Friends

  • Tracy & Sir Bentley
  • Sammie Leav
  • Dianne Starnes Simpson
  • Sidney and Angie
  • MCE
  • Cindy Lincoln
  • Dchang630
  • Linda Szymanski
  • ezra hartz
  • Snickmom
  • Emilie
  • Sandy StJohn-Yewbee's 4ever mom
  • Laura and Tommy Jefferson
  • Sandy Stickney
  • Emily Journy

steve smith's Discussions

Well I am still at work

Started this discussion. Last reply by Jennifer Markley Aug 9, 2012. 2 Replies

But here is what I had in mind. I live near a retirement community that has apartments, duplexes and houses that allow dogs as pets. I know that some people have corgis there and just dont know how…Continue

Hope this is the right place for this

Started this discussion. Last reply by steve smith Aug 6, 2012. 1 Reply

Found some pictures from 2011 and thought you might like to see them.Continue

Cat adopts squirrel

Started Jun 27, 2012 0 Replies

so heart warming. I have squirrels in my backyard they will come close to me but will not take food from me just yet…Continue

Your not going to like this

Started this discussion. Last reply by steve smith May 10, 2012. 12 Replies

Driving around today running errands when I see a dog on the side of the road sitting there watching traffic going by not even close to the road. Looks like he is eating and the closer I get to the…Continue


steve smith's Page

Profile Information

33.357 - 84.572
About Me:
Airline mechanic for airline based in Atlanta. Got my first dog in 2001, which is Snowball an American eskimo and also have a Cocker Spaniel, Moose.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Coco and Dino are brother and sister. I got them from the breeder in Stockbridge, Ga. I went there to get one and they brought both of them out and could not leave without both. Coco died 12 days after her 8th birthday in 2011. She is still missed very much.
I have:

Coco 2003  2011

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Comment Wall (33 comments)

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At 3:33pm on August 10, 2012, Tracy & Sir Bentley gave steve smith a gift
Just checking in to see how you and your corgis are doing.
At 9:01pm on August 9, 2012, Tracy & Sir Bentley said…

Hello there just wanted to share with you that on July 30, my husband and I saw World of Color at DCA. We participated in Glow With the show. The event was free. We received our special glow ears. I have attached a Disney youtube video link.

It was awesome way cool!

At 8:29am on August 09, 2012, Snickmom gave steve smith a gift
Happy Birthday Dino!
At 9:05pm on August 4, 2012, Lemmy Winks said…

Lol, I have no clue what you are talking about hahaaha, we named him after the singer of Motorhead lol. That's cute though!

At 6:33pm on August 4, 2012, Snickmom said…

Steve: apparently Snickers sent an email to Dino, sorry about that. She and I both enjoy his comments.  I am amazed that you were able to remember the episode. I enjoyed the show when I was a kid, too, although they were probably re-runs. I was 6 in '65.


At 12:56pm on August 4, 2012, Snickmom said…

Dino: that Gomer Pyle episode ran in 1965, I assume you saw a re-run, because you are NOT that old. Sorry, I couldn't find the dog's name on the internet- I''m not that old either.- Snickers

At 3:47pm on June 11, 2012, Alison Prasavath said…

Hello Steve and Dino! How have you both been? The latest in our household is that Noodles got his teeth cleaned last Wednesday for the first time. No teeth had to be pulled, but he did have an infection so he is on antibiotics for the next 10 days. He just thinks I'm spoiling him because he gets a little bit of peanut butter twice every day.

At 2:33pm on February 25, 2012, Dianne Starnes Simpson said…
Thanks.  How do I set a profile pic ?
At 2:32pm on February 25, 2012, Dianne Starnes Simpson said…
Thanks.  How do ithem set a profile pic?
At 6:09pm on February 20, 2012, Mary and Rosie said…

Thanks, your photos are really cute! Rosie definitely agrees with you...too many cats. :o)



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