Finally Ysolde arrived. She's doing great and Lola loves her new sister.
The other dogs are very interested about her too but they are a bit to big to be able to play with her.
I already went to the dog curse with her and she did very well.
She's growing very hard and try to enjoy her puppy time as much as possible.
And ofcourse we take lots of pictures!
Hoi Leonie,
Jaaa, James groeit super hard! Zijn oren staan nu eindelijk ook bijna omhoog, hij is aanstaande zaterdag 13 weken ;) Moet zeggen dat ik er wel even zenuwachtig over was hoor haha! Met jouw Cardi's ook alles goed?
Groetjes, Charlotte
Thank you so much for the comments, your little girl is adorable. Captain 's ears are now up and doing great. He will start to show in 2 weeks. Thanks again
You probably saw pictures from his puppy class or from a Corgi meet up. I wanted to get him into agility but decided to wait until he's older and the growth plates have closed to avoid injury.
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Alice & Finnigan :)Jaaa, James groeit super hard! Zijn oren staan nu eindelijk ook bijna omhoog, hij is aanstaande zaterdag 13 weken ;) Moet zeggen dat ik er wel even zenuwachtig over was hoor haha! Met jouw Cardi's ook alles goed?
Groetjes, Charlotte
Finnigan just turned 7 months on Monday. He's in his rebelious stage. Oh the joys of raising a puppy. :)
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