Zoe was born on April 18, 2007 in Kerrville, Texas. She was adopted by our family at exactly eight weeks of age and lives with us in San Anotonio. She is a perfect family pet who loves our kids, makes us laugh and brings us so much joy.
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Hi Erin! Great to see another San Antonio person!! Pistol came from Seguin, we'd love to get another corgi at some point...He definitely owns us...haha
What part of SA are you in? I'm in the NW - Bandera/Grissom area
Welcome Erin, Glad to have another member from San Antonio area, the group is getting bigger :) Feel free to ask us any questions, our members are a great bunch :)
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Welcome, So glad you joined us!http://www.mycorgi.com/group/corgisintexas
What part of SA are you in? I'm in the NW - Bandera/Grissom area