I recently found out that some breeders have the Pembroke tails docked. I was completely unaware that this still happens to any breed and thought that all Pembrokes were born with the short tails. Does anyone know more about this? Honestly it made me sick to my stomach to think that little Gonzo could have had his tail chopped off as a puppy.

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My Lizzies tail was docked--by the vet and not with a tournequet and her tail looks exactly the way you describe a non docked corgi--she looks like she has a little stinger on it.
Information gotten from the PWCCA site states that once upon a time, livestock and farm animals were taxed by the government in Wales. All these farm animals had a tail. Animals without a tail were considered working and exempt from the taxes. Also, there are specific lines of PWCs that have a natural bob tail and sometimes these show up in litters with traces of that genetic make up.

I know that the tail doesn't have an impact on the ability of the dog to work stock, but if you look at the dogs used to work livestock, most have a bob, nub, no tail, or carry it very low like the border collie. Consider the AKC herding breeds and 10 of the 20 breeds are bobs or docked.
Our Pembroke is undocked, and he has a glorious long fox-like tail. His breeder, for a reason known only to her, decided against docking, and personally I'm glad Sid has his tail (he sure stands out in a corgi crowd)! As far as I know, most corgis are born with tails.

Starting April 6, 2007 in England (and March 28 2007 in Wales), tail docking has been banned unless it is medically necessary or if the dog requires it as a working dog.

Here is the article if you are interested:

If it makes you feel better, I too assumed that Corgis were just born with a bob tail. You can imagine my surprise when I went to meet Sid and his brother for the first time and saw that tail!

So Triley has absolutly NO tail. Even he he gets excited, there is nothing wagging back there. I always figured that since he has no trace of a tail, that he was born without one (wouldn't there be some sort of remnant left over if he once had one?). But is it even possible to "breed out" a tail?
Does his tail indent in? Or is it just like nothing there? I think with a tail that short, he probably had it docked that short. I'm not sure if you can breed out a tail completely. But, who knows! He looks cute with his little no-tail booty!
Shouldn't be hard to breed a tailless animal. Why would one want to bother?
Im facing the whole docked tail dilema right now as my Corgi is pregnant and is due within the next 2 weeks. I personally think the nubs my dogs have right now look great but i dont feel its enough to justify the need to dock there tails as i've read some info that contradicts the belief that pups that young can not feel pain.

I personally wish AKC would re consider what they say is the breed standard as most corgi's nowadays are pets and not working dogs.

So the jury is still out if ill have the pups tails' docked when they are born. As im not sure if it will make it more difficult to find them homes.
Alfredo, I'm already wondering, once we are ready to bring another corgi into our home, will I be able to even find another undocked one? I'd really like another tailed corgi but what are my chances of finding one?

Good luck with your decision. How exciting to have puppies on the way!
I also wish AKC would change the breed standard to include tails.
I don't think it would be more difficult to find them homes. I bought my corgi (who has a tail) from a breeder that didn't want to dock the puppies tails when they were 3 days old. She told me that I could dock the pups tail if I wished and was going to show her. I decided against it, namely because I wasn't going to show Twink and also because her tail was so cute. just my two cents! :)
When me and my husband bought our Pembroke corgis they both didn’t have tails. Allie our girl had a little stub and Bailey our boy was without tail. We didn’t do alot of research on corgi's so we thought as well as most people that corgi were born without tails or with just a little stub. It was only when our little girl Allie had puppies that we started to wonder and educate ourselves more on corgis and what people had to say... All of Allies babies have tails which I think are really cute. We are now in the same dilemma should we dock or not....I honestly think they look better with tails and prefer not to do it.. But when people think or corgis they think of no tails. I feel that Allie our girl was docked when she was born that is why she has a stub and I just think that is horrible. So I have decided against docking because they are so cute with tails plus its a great thing to see them happy with there tails moving..
That's wonderful, Nina! I wish more people would opt for not docking. I would LOVE to find another tailed pembroke when the time comes to get another.
I have to agree with Debbie on this one. The Pembroke has been around over 900 years to build the current standard of what a Corgi should be. Any backyard breeder thinking that Corgis look better in any form outside the established standards and breeds to their own personal ideal is being totally arrogant, irresponsible, and should be avoided. Folks wanting a Corgi with a tail should get a Cardigan, or go through a rescue group.


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