Hello everyone,
So you all know that I have had my share of fun raising Wyatt, hes been a little trouble maker.

The latest thing is that he hates bikes and also he hates kids. He goes absolutely bonkers when he sees somebody on a bike riding down the street. And he will act nice to a child until they get really close then he goes kujo.

I hope he grows out of this. I have tried correcting his behavior, saying no, putting him in the crate and what not.

I think I am in need of the great "Caesar Milan" anybody know his phone number.


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You'll need to set up controlled situation (on leash) where Wyatt will be exposed to kids playing and riding bikes. A park that allows dogs on leash with a playground area for kids is a great place to go. You want to reward good behavior and not punish, but ignore bad behavior. You want to take some super yummy treats. Figure out what distance away from the kids that Wyatt does not have any reaction to them. Have him sit and "watch me". Bring your hand (with treat) to your nose so Wyatt looks you in the eyes. When he looks at you, give hime the treat and "Good Watch me!" After 3-5 repetitions, move a little closer to the kids and work "watch me" again. You get the idea...you're desensitizing him closer and closer to kids to pay attention to you and learn that he gets really good things when kids are around. When he quits working because the kids are too close for his comfort, move back to give a him distance or stop for the day, instead of forcing him to confront the kids closer than he likes.

He should eventually be able to be calm and not pay attention to kids after becoming accustomed to seeing them play and cycle about. If a child is riding a bicycle straight toward you, you'll need to walk Wyatt far enough out of the way so that he does not react (cross the street if you're out on a neighborhood walk as soon as you see a kid/bike coming) and treat for watching you.

This is not an overnight "fix". You'll need to work with him regularly. You can work on "Watch me" every day whether you're taking him out for training or not.

A dog behaviorist can come to your home and give you tips on these exercises, however, I think you would also have to "rent-a-kid" with a bicycle, so that the behaviorist can work on the problem and make good use of the time. You may be able to find a behaviorist with a child helper (like Cesar takes his kids with him to help in situations like yours).
Kirby chases bikes as well..but not in an agressive way. He likes to herd the bikes and people that are on them. I think its quite funny that he endlessly chasing the bikes around the yard. I have to tell him to come inside so he doesnt get too worn out and so that he can drink some water..he would chase the bike all day long if I would let him!
In viewing your description of Wyatt it appears this behavior stems from his overall excitable behavior. His barking at the neighbors through the walls tells me his a reactive fellow to both auditory and visual stimulation. Dogs have to be taught to control their excitement levels by their owners. There needs to be limitations to his ability to behave in this fashion. Sounds like you would do well finding a training class in your area and also doing some research regarding the NILF program. Wyatt also needs to learn the "leave it" command which you will find very useful as he continues to grow up.
The behavior you describe will get continually worse as he ages and you will soon have a dog that is most difficult to live with. Time to instill a new set of rules in Wyatts life to help him have acceptable behaviors.


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