Any challenging toys or games to keep our little doggies' brains happy? I have heard that they can be rambunctious because they are smart and need a challenge for their minds.

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One of the games I like is "find it". Start by having your pup sit and stay, then put a treat within view, finally asking him to "find it". Then start moving the treat further and further away, then around a corner in the room, then another room, etc. I used this to keep Timmy occupied while I was gone and keep him from chewing things he shouldn't. Before I left for work, I would hide two kongs filled with little treats, pumpkin or smushed green beans. When I got back I would find both EMPTY kongs on the floor and nothing disturbed.

Timmy really loves what I call "learning". I ask if he wants to "learn" something new. Then I use a clicker and do some free shaping and back chained behaviors. If you want to learn more about these activities check out Pat Miller's book, "The Power of Positive Dog Training". (For example, currently he is campaigning for president. This involves him steppin onto a "soap box", speaking to the crowds, waving to his fans, taking a bow and then getting into his suitcase for the next trip.) I go to nursing homes and hospitals with Timmy and he never fails to bring a smile to those who watch his performances. He loves it, cause during the learning, all feedback is positive, he has gained confidence and his enthusiasm is unbelievable. If he sees a clicker, he literally will initiate all kinds of behaviors looking for his next reward.

Corgis will amaze you with their ability to learn and grow.
Charlie likes a game of "multiple toy toss and retrieve". His outside toys are various sized balls (from tennis balls to his deflated soccer balls), rubber toys and some "plain-old" sticks. I put them in a pile and make him sit. When I throw one out, he'll go get it while I'm taking another toy off the pile. He brings one toy back and drops it at my feet at about the same time I'm throwing the next toy out. It seems to make the game go at a faster clip and keep him more interested than just using one toy over and over.

Speaking of soccer balls, Charlie has always managed to puncture and deflate his, but he does still like to carry them around the yard and chew on the floppy "remains". He has "killed" three so far.


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