I was just wondering about the Corgi's ability to steal things. My dog is 6 months, and he loves to chew on clothes, shoes, and paper especially. He pulled a book off our bookshelf last night. Is there something to curb this behavior, or will it go away with age? Also, are obedience classes helpful? We have a Petco in our town and Petland. Our Petsmart is about an hour away.

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We are signing up to Petco soon...My Wyatt loves tissues, paper, clothes etc.
He will go in the bathroom and eat t.p. like its candy. Its gross.
A good class will teach you "Drop it" and "leave it". It works well, at least with our dogs, but you have to catch them in the act. ;-)

AS for if they outgrow it, we'll see. I haven't noticed the thievery slowing down just yet.
Yes, you can curb this behavior by redirecting his attention to other toys that you approve, when a corgi is bored, they will find a "job" for himself, sometimes they commit bad behavior because of the chain reaction attached to it (e.g: they want you to chase him down). Remember that Corgi is under the herding group, they need jobs to keep themselves mentally stimulated, so invest in some toys and rotate them often :)
Very typical puppy behavior. Keeping things put away will help loads. You will be amazed at how well you can puppy proof your house if you work on it. Encourage play with toys. When he has something trade a toy for it. If he is raiding garbage cans put them up. If he has access and finds it interesting he will do it.
I remember when my twin first got her corgi, she was a TOTAL paper chewer...but every time we caught her doing it we could make her drop the paper and tell her 'no.' Then suddenly she just grew out of it without us constantly telling her 'no.'...I think it's a puppy thing... most of the things that a puppy is doing will most likely be grown out of in time :-)
I've been taking obedience puppy classes with Reggie. We're moving into our third week, and it's been very helpful. We actually just covered "take it", with the understanding that mastering that will lead us to "drop it".
We just adopted our 3 year old Corgi, Luna, a month ago and she has recently started to chew on wires and our recycling! She seems to do it when we put the baby gate up and leave her in her room. I think her problem is attention, but I'm thankful for the advice everyone has posted here for Samantha!
I'm glad you could be helped, too.


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