
I have a few questions. I have never had an intact female dog before. I've always had male dogs, neutered and unneutered and they've always been very happy, loyal and never moody. Well Eowyn is still intact and is starting to get very moody, especially when she doesn't get her way. She's 15 months old. She's not aggressive moody, but sulking a lot lately. She always hiding in the bathroom now. We go for walks and she's VERY happy, but straight when we come inside, she skitters on into the bathroom and sometimes stays there for HOURS on end. We have to go looking for her sometimes because she's been gone for most of the day and we find her in one of the bathrooms. She doesn't hide in any rooms, just bathrooms. We have three of them and she's always in them lately. She use to be such a happy dog, but now, she's always sulking. Our 4 month old Borzoi makes her seem worse because he's such a happy little thing and is always willing to stay out by your side. But, Eowyn on the other hand is starting to really annoy me.

She's sulking and not eating, and is only happy when I take her on walks. I can't walk her 24/7. She gets plenty of walks, and not just walks down the sidewalk on a leash. We go up high into the mountains and the wilds and let her run and run. We stay out for hours on end with them outside until they are ready to go home. We go camping and long road trips to new places. But, right when we come home, she gets sulky and moody and hides in the bathroom like she wants nothing to do with any of us, not even play with Vladimir the Borzoi pup and always growls at him. The only time she comes out is when we have food and she starts to beg for it because she's starving and won't eat her own. I've started to close the doors for she can't go in them, but she sits near them. We have a small corridor going down to the downstairs bathroom and she's always by that. Sometimes she just lays in the living room and sits there or tries and squeeze behind the TV. When we call her name, she just stares off like she's dead. Our nana once was calling her name and she didn't respond so she shook her and lifted her up and she was all limp and staring off. Our Nana had to literally YELL her name to make her respond. She just looked at our Nana and flopped back down like "Leave me alone." I don't know what is wrong with her. Is this typical of intact female dogs? I'm getting her fixed on the 24th of this month, will this cure any of these symptoms? I've read it does help. Any help? Thanks!

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We had two female dogs growing up and they both had their first heat cycle before getting spayed. They did sort of sulk as you explained but not in another room, just away from us. They were also excited to be outside (I assume because they could find a mate out there?). Anyway, as far as the bathroom hiding, is that the only place with tile? Mabye she's hot and likes the tile floors. I think spaying will definately help, and as far as not eating try some chicken broth on her kibble. My pup wouldnt eat for a while, and I was told that "Nobody ever found Corgi-bones next to a full dog-bowl". Makes sense to me.
The bathrooms have tile, but we also have a HUGE kitchen that has tile and is right next to the living room and she never lays on them or the front door. The master bathroom upstairs is fairly large and has tile all over it around the tub, shower and sinks. Then there is a small room with the toilet in. She only goes into that room to hide not anywhere else in that large bathroom. When she's in the bathroom she squeezes as far she can behind the toilet (Which I think is digusting even though we clean our bathrooms almost every weekend and are not dirty people, it still seems dirty since the fact it's a 'bathroom' lol ) I've tried her with many tactics, but I'm just going to stick to her biscuits and dog meat. If she doesn't eat, she doesn't eat.

how was her last heat cycle? when and was there any male intact dogs in the house? how did she react?
She's had two so far. The first one was really long and it was driving her crazy (But she had no contact with any other dogs other them our own. I never take her out anywhere around anyone when she goes into heat). The second was brief and short. The only dog we had around those two times was our neutered male Corgi. She tried to make him mate with her a couple of times but he wanted nothing to do with her and ignored her. But, we do have a 4 month old Borzoi pup who obviously is not neutered. Would that have any effect on her?
It could, even though your pup is too young to know any better, you may find Eowyn urinate more frequently (leaving name cards for potential mate). She is probably frustrated because she can't go out and bored. If you have a treadmill, you can get her to release some of her frustration and energy.

It is common for an intact female to be a little moody, they will retreat and find possible "safe" place for future litters, it could also be just "hot" and she needed the tiles to cool off. It might be a good idea to get her spayed after this cycle :)
The treadmill thing is a good idea but she goes out ALL the time. Not 24/7 but more often then most dogs. We take her up to Red Rock Canyon for like 5 hours a day we go on Road Trips practically every other weekend. She went to the grand canyon when she was about 5 months old. She hikes every other day with us for about 4-6 hours at a time. When we aren't hiking we take her and our other dog out every morning for about an hour and later in the evening.

Everywhere we go, whether if be the grocery store, just to get more gas in the car, or just for a Sunday drive, we take her with us so she can get out of the house. We also train her a lot so she has mental stimulation. She's practically got every trick in the book down to a 'T'. About the cooling off thing as well, half our house is tiled. Our kitchen is bigger then most people's living rooms and it's all tile as well as our master bedroom bathroom. It's a large bathroom that about the size of our kitchen with the toilet in a separate room, yet she still squeezes in behind the toilet when she can go lay by the bathtub (which is separate from the shower and is across the other side of the bathroom) and have the same feeling/texture of the toilet.

She's not in heat right now but yes, on the 24th we are getting her fixed. I just hope it cures all this sulking and moodiness. :-) Thanks for the suggestions, I appreciate it a lot!
If this is a recent change in her behavior, is there a chance that she is pregnant? She should be checked by a vet for any sudden, recent behavior change plus loss of appetite. There may be something physically wrong (aside from pregnancy).

Like James suggested, she may be going to the bathroom to cool down if that is the only place with tile/vinyl flooring.

Scruffing and/or yelling at her will not make her a happier dog. She'll probably ignore and not listen even more, especially if she is not feeling healthy.
She is definitely not pregnant. I can't see how owners can let their dogs get pregnant without them knowing. Those people are very irresponsible I think. But, no, she's definitely not pregnant. As for the yelling and scruffing, she only gets yelled at or scruffed when she does something bad. Which she hardly does anymore. I was saying our Nana was trying to get Eowyn up because she seriously thought she had died. She just calmly called her name many times and she was just staring off, not blinking and her breathing was shallow. That really frightened our Nana, so she called out her name loudly and shook her (like pressing her fingers on her shoulders and nudging her over and over. Not like LITERALLY shaking her.)

But, she's very healthy. She's only happy in the house when we wake up or come home and only outside. Then after that she goes into sulking mode. Well hopefully the vet will have some suggestions. Thank you!
I think it's because she's been trying to find a male dog for so long and she's never got one until we got Cardiff and think how many times she tried to get him to mount her but he never did. Now we've got Valdimir and he's intact but he's so young so I think she knows she wont get 'Laid' here either. I think she's just moody and full of piss and vinegar because she's been trying and trying for mooooonnnths on end and has never gotten what she wants. Now, she probably just sulking like 'I've been trying for months...isn't there a male dog out there for me?' - and how she's happy to get out not only for a walk but searching for male dogs, like how she's kind of *Yar's voice* wandering off a bit and taking longer to recall. She used to come back like BOOM when she was called....NOW I drink a chocolate milkshake and my butt jiggles for about a week (just kidding) now she takes like a few seconds and a few more calling her to come back.

Also, it might be Ben Qaudinaros (jk) Benny behind us...we haven't a clue if he's neutered and think Eowyn always goes out there to give a howl. You know? Or the countless other dogs we have around us. Our houses are so close together anyway and practically EVERYONE in our neighbor hood has dogs and we don't know if any of them are fixed or what not. I think everything will go away once we get her fixed.

Is that a rib there on your plate? Under the finest sauce I ever ate..I need one right now so don't make me wait..
*John Hammond's voice* You're right...you're absolutely right. But, seriously, that makes perfect sense. She's always howling and barking at Benny behind us. I doubt he is fixed. He looks like a perfect show dog or something and she always sits by that gate and stares out. I hope to god getting her fixed will cure all these symptoms. I hadn't a clue dogs would sulk. They always seems so happy, then all of a sudden Eowyn comes barging into our lives and makes us feel guilty because she's all sulking and depressed. *siiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh shrugs and dances on a boat to "I'm having a really nice day really nice day reeeeeeally niiiice daaaaaay*
My parents boarder terrier mix is still in tact and is always, always like this before her cycle. She hides in my parents closet, barely eats, and hoards her "babies"(all of her stuffed toys and some of her other toys). We've tried to get my parents to have her fixed, but she is fine after she begins her cycle. I know it is a different breed, but it is similar. We haven't gotten her to perk up at that time though.
Yeah, people are thinking that she is in heat or about to which she is not. She had her last cycle about 4 months ago and I highly doubt she's going into another one so soon. So it's not because she is about to go into another cycle she's all of a sudden like this everyday. It's been about a week and a half to two weeks now. Luckily she doesn't hoard anything, that would drive me crazy.

But she's acting like she's always in heat. Every dog we meet that's male always tries to mount her almost ALL the time and she allows it. Is this normal? I've always read a female not in heat will not allow males to mount her unless they are ready to mate, but she just sits there and allows it or tries to make the males mate with her. I'm so confused!!


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