I have adopted a corgi and he is being brought home today. The only problem is I don't know anything about training a dog and there are no places where I can enroll him in class. I want to be able to do this right and teach him all that needs to be taught. I'm not even sure if he is house trained yet....and he's a year old. it's not too late is it? Also, what can I do in order to prepare my home/his new home to where he feels welcome??

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Hi Megan,

Do you have a PetsMart near by? We took Triley to classes at PetsMart and they really helped (they have different classes depending on the age and known abilities of your dog). As far as I know, you can housetrain a dog at any age, as long as you are dedicated to it. Once you get him home I would immediatly take him outside and show him where to pee (and reward him with a treat when he does), so that he knows where to go.

When we got Triley we prepared the house by removing things that he might be tempted to chew on and getting him a crate where we could put him when we left the house - that way you don't have to worry about what he's up to while you are gone. Crates are also a nice place that is theirs and safe, where they can go to be comfy and alone. We also got Triley a bed to sleep on but all he did was chew it up - and then he just slept on the couch if he wanted a nap outside of his crate. We had some toys (be warned, Corgis chew up most soft, plush toys - we get Kongs and other tough toys for Triley) for him and soon learned what he likes and what he doesn't bother with.

More than anything I would say show him where to pee, give him a cozy place where he feels safe and - most of all - give him lots of love and attention. Once he knows that he can trust you, you'll be over the first hurdle. Good luck!
Welcome to the site! Congrats on your latest adoption :) You can read Sam's article, you'll know how to prepare for the arrival. Then use the search box and you'll find most question with answers. If you have other specific questions, just ask :)

1 yr old is not too late to start training, with a little patience and consistency, you'll do just fine. Remember it is a 12-15 years commitment.
Hi Megan!
Congratulations on your corgi!
It looks like there is a Petco in town. Some of them offer training, so go there and ask if they do. Even if they don't maybe they can recommend someone; also if there is a local animal shelter, they might offer classes or can recommend.

Over the years we have adopted some older dogs with minimal training and they did learn. Most recently we adopted an 11 year old who was well-behaved but not trained. We took him to PetSmart classes and he learned very well. He has trouble with "down" but that is because of his doggie arthritis. He's 13-14 years old now and behaves perfectly, alone at home or meeting new people or dogs.

Our puppy Sidney (the one in my avatar) is in almost continuous classes, but that's because we want him to take agility classes when he turns one and we need him to be really obedient! He's 10 months old.

Just remember to be patient and understanding. It will take him time to adjust and settle in, and he will "misbehave" from time to time. I think I heard it takes a dog about 30 days to be comfortable and showing his true personality when coming to a new home. He won't be "being bad", he'll just be learning. Good luck!

I can't wait to see pics of Charlie!


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