My 2 year old corgi, Batman, has a shedding problem (as I'm sure ALL of you understand!). I've been thinking about trimming him down a bit. We live in Florida, and though it does get very hot, he's an inside dog and doesn't have to deal with the heat or sun for long periods of time unless we're having a beach/park day. I've heard that it's bad to shave them because the coat keeps them cool in the summer and warm in the winter, because it takes the fur a long time to grow back and that in some cases, the hair grows back in patches...? The shaving of the shedding fur would mostly happen to help out with all the fur that collects everywhere ;). I'd like to do it to help with the shedding and I think Batman would like it too. We don't want to shave him down all the way. We'd like to leave an inch to an inch and 1/2 so he's not nakey. We don't want to offend the two female poodles next door ;).

I just don't want to do anything to my baby that might be bad for him. I'd rather spend the rest of forever on my hands and knees scraping up his fur from my carpets than to do something that would harm him. Help! I need feedback :).

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Ohhh...I didn't know shaving could be bad. I have no answer to your question, but I was thinking about doing the same thing to my Corgi. Haha...I've seen a youtube video with a shaved Corgi though. Your Corgi is so cute though. =)
You can use a shedding blade or a furminator to help the shedding. you can also find the furminator demo video on this site. It is not recommended to shave your corgi, especially the top coat takes a long time to grow back. The regular corgi has a double coat, for both insulation and sun ray protection purposes.
I wouldn't recommend shaving him, everywhere I've heard said it's no good for their coat. Maybe try a Furminator, it seems to be really awesome with keeping the shedding coat down.
Much better to just brush and brush and brush some more. : - ) Aside from losing the coat's insulating properties (holds in cool air in summer, and warm air in winter), shaving/trimming can actually stimulate even thicker undercoat growth. A thicker undercoat is going to shed even more than an unclipped natural coat.


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