I didn't want to hijack Megan's other thread about Nylabones, but I did have a few questions about treats in general.

From the research I've been doing it seems like the treats I've been accustomed to giving my previous dog aren't as healthy as I once thought. I used to give my Golden greenies, rawhide sticks, and once in a blue moon I would have pupperoni's or snausages. When I bring home Griffey this Monday I want to make sure the treats I have for him are healthy and safe for him to chew.

Besides the Canidae (Griffey will be on Canidae ALS) biscuits are there any other recommendations for treats? Thanks!

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I have stop giving rawhides due to an accident. The treats that you mentioned sounds okay, just remember that Corgis are very easy to gain weight, which makes loosing that much harder :(
I used to give them the dried chicken jerky until another poster here alerted me that they are from China and irradiated. I never knew! I read all labels now to make sure they are made in the USA. Most treats are from the Orient but there are some from here. Trader Joes has a pretty good selection of treats and are USA made.

I can't imagine Pupperoni or Snausages are very good for them...

I also looked up homemade dog treats and have made some at home which the dogs like well.
I saw some treats at Trader Joes last time I went there.. Looked like a very good selection but I wasnt sure about them.. I was going to Pet Valu (Specialty Pet Store) to buy Chloe some Canidae and I was gonna wait and see some healthy treats they had. I saw a greenie-like bone at Trader Joes that freshened breath and it was Trader Joes brand rather than Greenie brand. It was green just like a greenie but looked like a regular bone, not a tootbrush (And much less exspensive). I saw a bag of soft Peanut Butter treats that was made by a baker for only 4$. I'll buy them next time I go to Trader Joes. Have you ever bought them?
I buy the "greenies" and the dogs really enjoy them. Mine are not too keen on peanut butter, so I stopped buying those. They also like the dog biscuits - I forget what they are called but they come in a variety of flavors.
Unfortunately we don't have a Trader Joe's down here in FL. There are however plenty of holistic dog stores around me. I don't plan on giving Griffey pupperoni's or those types of treats after some of the stuff I've read about them. However, I'd like to give Griffey some sort of variety other than just biscuits as treats.

What type of ingredients should I be looking for in treats? Should it be similar to kibble? Is grain alright for treats? I see a lot of treats that have oatmeal, barley, or wheat as ingredients.
Aside from a little processed peanut butter on occassion, I give Charlie mostly human-food treats. Green beans, carrots, peas (fresh, or frozen), apples...essentially whatever fruits or veggies I buy for myself he can have (no onions, grapes, or raisins...they're toxic to dogs). I will also boil a package of skinned chicken thighs, dice them up small and freeze little saran-wrapped packets of 1-2 tablespoons. I still have a ton of diced chicken from the last batch. Next time I'm going to try drying chicken or beef jerky for him (less messy than boiled).
Have any of you heard of these:

They are made by the same company as the Frosty Paws frozen treat. I have a bag of Wild Alaskan Salmon and also the chicken flavor. My dogs, all three, are crazy for these treats. They are made in the USA.

Here is the ingredient list:
Wild Alaskan Salmon, wheat flour, vegetable glycerin, Propionic acid, natural smoke flavor, citric acid, garlic, calcium carbonate, natural mixed tocopherols and rosemary extract.

Has anyone heard anything negative, or positive, about these?
has anybody tried these?


I'm curious...My corgi's love rawhide...they are not fans of toys to chew...they also like the merrick bones so i was thinking these might be worth a shot since they are both powerful chewers...Thoughts?
I used to give my dogs the dried chicken breast, then I read here about how they are irradiated and with all the safety problems in China, I've stopped buying them anything made in China (and preferably made in USA). I guess it's up to how safe you feel, but Target is great about letting you return things.

The salmon bites I found at Target are $3.49, and there is a 50 cents off coupon attached to the package.
I use dehydrated sweet potatoes and bully sticks as rawhide replacements. They're great and Theo loves them! He chomps down the sweet potatoes pretty quickly, but they don't stink or make a mess (unless you have white carpet). The bully sticks just drive him wild.
Do you prepare the sweet potatoes yourself, or buy them already dehydrated?


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