I didn't want to hijack Megan's other thread about Nylabones, but I did have a few questions about treats in general.

From the research I've been doing it seems like the treats I've been accustomed to giving my previous dog aren't as healthy as I once thought. I used to give my Golden greenies, rawhide sticks, and once in a blue moon I would have pupperoni's or snausages. When I bring home Griffey this Monday I want to make sure the treats I have for him are healthy and safe for him to chew.

Besides the Canidae (Griffey will be on Canidae ALS) biscuits are there any other recommendations for treats? Thanks!

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My dog goes crazy over STRING BEANS!
He is a 2 yr. old corgi and just loves to eat.
He rarely gets treats because he will easily become overweight.
I started replacing one quarter of his dry food with string beans for each meal too (to cut down on the calories).
I started off "accidently" dropping a frozen bean on the kitchen floor and quickly grabbing it back up when Radar dove for it (and believe me his is fast when food hits the floor!) I did that a couple times than dropped two and let him grab one. Next night same thing.
Now he thinks they are really something special - I just yell "STRING BEAN" and he comes running.
I just buy the frozen bags of green beans at the grocery store - he loves them frozen or thawed.

My neighbor took care of him for a week while we were away - she was cracking up at the string beans - her dog wouldn't even try one!
I had a cocker for 18 years and his favorite thing in the world was green bell peppers. He like those better than meat!. So we never had an issue with what treat to give him...and the vet said that was healthy for him too.


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