What are your corgi names? and their nick names?

My corgis are Mocha and Vienna, we named them after coffee drinks, vienna is actually a blend of turkish coffee :)

Nick names:
harry butt, bunny butt, miss fatty, mocha latte, frappochino, vienna sausage, fat rabbit, double mint twins (when they're together)

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Our little guy is named Toast.
When he was a puppy, his color was kind of like a lightly toasted piece of bread. Now he's turned darker, so he's more of a burnt toast color...or like cinnamon toast ;)

Nick names:
I like to give Scout nicknames in different languages. I sometimes call him Sobaka, which is Russian for dog. And occasionally Koira, which I believe is Finnish for dog. And then there's Inu, Japanese for dog, and Hund, German for dog.

I also call him Klutz, Underfoot and The Underfoot Wonder because he's still a clumsy little puppy. I think corgis are the right size to be underfoot all their life, though.
My dog's are named Musso and Darby. Wow, I have too many nicknames for them.
Musso aka : fat boy, fat butt, tubby, lardo, fatty, Musso Ha'shomen (Hebrew for "Musso the fat"), fercockt (Yiddish for "all f***d up"), Moosey, Moosey Moo, Smusso, Smoosey, Moosey baby
Darby aka: black dog, lil d, dee dee, darby warby, darby dee, and of course "You little sh*t"
Poor Musso! Why not just add "Jabba the Hut" to the list? lol :)
Cody's nicknames are: fatty, shorty, bear bunny, bunny, kitty, Cory
Oh my goodness...I forgot some. I have nicknames for referring to my two corgis together!

The Booders, little boodnicks, ha boodnickeem (pluralized form of boodnick in hebrew), lil buds, lil boodies, the boodies, boodie bears, smoochie noochies, hoochie mares, koochie dares, lil smoochers..........Can't think of any more....great topic
We named our Corgi "Princess Emerald" because we brought her home shortly after St Patty's Day. She was always called Emmy or "Em" for short.
We have Princess Gwendalyn, bunnybutt, CorgiWorgi, dog, corn chip, little girl.......guess we are not too creative.
My Corgis are Augie and Charlotte. Augie's full name is Suncass August Sky, he came this way. Charlotte is just Charlotte.
Augie;s nicknames are tubby bear, augers, snuffy, snuffysue.
Charlottes nicknames are Dars, Dardoodle, Itty Dars, CharDar, CharChar
I forgot, Charlotte is also Little PooPoo. can't really remember how that came about. Could've been a day she rolled in goose poo...nasty!!!
My Corgi is Bowie. Named after David Bowie. His nicknames are: Muffin, Muff, Be-My-Muffin, B Muff, Muffin Butt, Corgi, Bowie Stardust Suprise, Cuddle Muffs, Tooshi, Wittle Piggy........... haha my poor muffin :)
My corgi's name is Louis and it's pronounces "LOU-IE" I named him after Louis Vuitton haha his nicknames are Lou, Loudog, Lou Lou, Monkey man, Little Boy, Lou Bird, Lou Poo, Pooey, Kanga-Lou (He jumps around a lot hahaha) My son, and Rat Cat Dog because he has little facial features like a pinand does little rat-things with his paws and then one time my mom was joking about how he was part cat because of his whiskers lol It's funny because he knows all of the family by names like "uncle" "grandma" "nono" "Auntie" haha


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