Kara is for the most part very docile. I knew before chosing a corgi that they will try to herd kids and such. What is the correct way to discourage this? The last 2 days she has actually backed the kisd into a corner barking and "play" biting. I know you aren't supposed to crate them as a punishment but it was all I could think of to get her to chill out a bit. She was so wound up and looking for a "fight". I don't want the little ones to be afraid of her and I certainly don't want anyone to get hurt, Today when I picked her up from going after the 3 year old she growled and snapped at me. I honestly couldn't tell if she was rough housing or actually mad. (She growl ferociously at her toys too) The kids are very gentle with her and I never leave them alone with her unsupervised. I think their hardest thing is remembering to walk away calmly. Any suggestions?