I HATE to go to the vet only to have them tell me it's a sprain and have to shell out $100 for an X-Ray. Here's what happened: We took the dogs out to an open field for a run-me at one end and my husband on the other. He let them go with their leashes still attached and they both run full speed toward me on the other end. All the sudden Daisy stops dead in the center and sits down. I go towards her and she starts limping putting no pressure on her left rear leg at all. I look for burs because there are MANY of them in Texas and see nothing and I feel for breaks and feel no swelling and no breaks. She never yelped or cried either so I know it wasn't broken. I pinched her foot to test for nerve damage and she gently pulled it away so I know she felt it. I think she must have stepped on her leash dragging behind her and twisted her ankle but it's been 5 days now and she's only barely putting the tiniest bit of pressure. Anyone have any ideas. She never cries like she's in pain but acts like it's very tender to put pressure on. Should I wait to see if it improves?