i am not sure if she just no longer likes her kibble, if she is too full, if her kibble is stale or if the hot humid weather is making her not want breakfast, but winnie doesn't seem to want to eat in the morning. we currently feed raw (premade) at night and kibble in the morning she had been all the way up to 3/4 a cup and now she won't finish a 1/2 a cup. She seems happy and healthy and she eats her dinners (inhales then usually) and snacks, but the morning feeding is a chore at this point. we are soon going to start the transition to adult food. but i am a little concerned by this lack of appetite in the mornings.

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I wouldn't worry too much. They go through phases as puppies and maybe since she's almost done growing she's just not as hungry anymore. That's good too because most of them are the biggest pigs!! I would just skip breakfast and maybe give her a couple carrot sticks or something during the day so her tummy doens't hurt and continue feeding at night. Orrrr, she could just be holding out for the night time food which she prefers. My dogs sometimes refuse to eat something if they know there's something better.


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