This is not a happy question to have to ask, but how do you know when it's time to let your pet go? We have Gus, the 4-year old corgi (who is fine, thank God!), and Sandy, an adopted mixed breed who has been with us 14 years (so she's at least 15). She has had lyme disease twice, and has arthritis that has gotten progressively worse, but seems to have gotten very debilitating in the last few weeks. She has been on medicine for it for several years (deramaxx, and we've tried previcox and rimadyl also), but lately nothing seems to help much. She has trouble getting up from a laying down position, but the worst is that she's now having trouble squatting to relieve herself, and so is avoiding that. She doesn't have accidents, but I can only imagine how uncomfortable she is. Sometimes when walking (she doesn't go far) her legs just give out. She seems relatively happy still, but it is hard to tell how much pain she is in. I love her with all my heart, and she has been my faithful companion through thick and thin. I just want to do the right thing. How do you know when it's time to let them go?

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One piece of advice that has always stayed with me is to pick the four favorite things your dog loves. When they no longer are interested in three of those four things it is time to start thinking of saying good-bye. Generally I find the dogs do tell us with their eyes. May be time to have a heart to heart chat with your vet. It is always hard saying goodbye but I do feel blessed we have the ability to make this choice instead of allow our great pals to live a life that lacks quality. My heart is out to you.
That is a very hard decision. You can tell by looking at them, and sometimes you know in your heart; it's time. It's not the easiest time of your life, but one the is necessary to ease pain of your beloved pet.

Talk to your vet, see what they think. Know that she has given you 14 years of love and devotion. When and if you do, by all means grieve! Ignore people that say it was only a dog. Those people have never had their life enriched then by a true friend.

My heart is out to you, and I'm sure you will find solace with your friends here on MyCorgi during that time.
I've always felt, like Sam, that if your friend no longer enjoys life, we owe them an obligation to let them go. It is a final act of love. To keep a friend with us because we don't want to have them humanely euthanized, is selfish, IMO. With my German Shepherds, it was in their eyes. They no longer had a sparkle or enthusiasm for life, the ears wouldn't perk, or head wouldn't come up.

If Sandy is just having difficulty walking there are products that can help with mobility. There's a product called the "Bottoms Up" leash that works really well. I figure that when I get older and the arthritis settles in deeper, I might need a walker or scooter myself to help get around! LOL Look into her eyes. Does she still get excited when you come home? Does she want to interact, even with limited mobility, there are games to play and ways of interacting. When the sparkle is gone and there's no effort................................... :(

I promised Timmy that he would never have to worry. That I would make that choice for him, as a guardian of sorts, when that time comes. He would never have to worry about suffering in pain with no prognosis for recovery. In those final few days he will have everything he would like, whether it's ice cream, steak, laying under a shady tree, simply playing catch with a ball, or whatever he enjoys that I can provide. He will die in my arms surrounded by loving friends, furry and human. I owe him that!

Tough question, but something everyone of us has to go through eventually. Some of us have already done this several times. It never gets easier, never. Just thoughts, not a real definition of "the time", Sorry, I couldn't be of more help
Thanks for the advice and kind words, everyone, and thanks for this forum, Sam. It helps so much to have other "dog people" to talk to. I'll keep you posted. Thanks again.
Wynne, Sandy, & Gus
I don't have any advice, I just wanted to let you know that my thoughts and prayers are with you. I remember when I was a teenager and it was time for my parents to make that decision for my german shepard. I dread the day that I have to do that too, but I know that it is the right thing to do when the time does come. I just wanted to send some hugs and encourangement your way.
i as well have no advice for this but am grateful for what i have heard from others... i will remember it (quite) far down the line.

i have only been away from my little bear 4 nights of of the year and 1 month i've had him. i understand the deep connection and love you can have for your little one (and mine is only 14 months, ha!) but my heart goes out to you during this rough time. i know the decision will be tough as hell, but your baby will love you no matter what.

that's one thing about corgis... those smiles never lie!!!
Wanted to add another great website for older or hurt pets is They have back harnesses and all kinds of stuff. We went thru this earlier this year with our elder beagle and it is a hard, hard decision but I think you know and a good vet will talk to you about your dogs care. Some great advice from others on the posting.
I understand. In May we put down our 15 year old female Corgi named Kayla. It was an extremely hard decision for my family. We decided that when she was having such a hard time walking and with basic functions. She was not able to be her corgi self. It is the hardest thing to do and I send to you a hug. You will know when that time is.. My thoughts are with you.
I am sorry you are going through this. It's a very personal decision and not an easy one. Good advice is to talk to your vet. We recently had to let our much beloved cat go after he contracted acute renal failure. Our vet was very upfront with what was going on and if Spanky had any chance of regaining any quality of life. Even though he was 20 years old and had arthritis in his hips he would still find the energy to play on occasion. But what he loved most was to be with us. So even if they are not as active as they once were, our old friends find pleasure in our companionship.
Thank you all so much for your kind words and advice. We did decide to have Sandy put to sleep on June 24. She was having so much trouble walking, going to the bathroom, etc., that we knew it was time. It was one of the hardest things I have ever done, but I'm glad she went peacefully and I could be with her. She was such a faithful companion for 14 years. We had her cremated and I just got the ashes back two days ago. We are going to plant a Japanese Maple in the yard and mix some of the ashes in with the soil. One of Sandy's favorite things in her later years was to lay in the shade of a tree and watch the goings on in the yard, so I thought this would be a fitting remembrance. Thank you again for all of your kindness.
It sounds like Sandy was a wonderful dog who will always live on in your (and your family's) hearts and memories. I just joined this site so I didn't see this thread until now, and as such I'm late in saying this, but my thoughts are with you!
Thank you-I appreciate it! She was a wonderful dog, and it is getting to the point where it doesn't hurt so much when we say "remember when Sandy..." but we will always miss her.


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