Wynne Phillips
  • Female
  • Beacon
  • United States
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  • Jas Staffa
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Wynne Phillips's Discussions

What should I do-Pearl ate a sock?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Wendt Worth Corgi's Jan 4, 2009. 10 Replies

Hip dysplasia

Started this discussion. Last reply by Chris, Kadi & Brodie Apr 9, 2012. 32 Replies

A somber question

Started this discussion. Last reply by john Feb 10, 2009. 22 Replies

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Gus and Pearl

Profile Information

Beacon, NY
About Me:
I have 2 dogs-a corgi and a mixed breed. The corgi is "Gus" (Augustus Caesar) and the mixed breed is "Pearl". Gus is 4, and Pearl is 10 weeks, so she is a handful! We had another dog, Sandy, a mixed breed, who recently passed away at the age of 15. She was a wonderful companion, and I give her all the credit for us continuing to want dogs in our lives!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Gus (really Augustus Ceasar!) is a 4 year old Pembroke Welsh corgi. We got him from a breeder in Pennsylvania. He is a sweetheart, and VERY smart. He can be bossy, too!

I have:

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Wynne Phillips's Blog

Thought I'd update ya'll

Posted on July 18, 2008 at 8:34pm 1 Comment

Hi guys! It's been awhile since I've written, and a lot has happened. First, Sandy made a one-way trip to the vet, and I was VERY sad for a long time. I laid around like a blob, hardly ate (imagine that!), cried every time mommy left, and was miserable. Well, my family decided the remedy was a new puppy, and not even a corgi at that!! They brought home this skinny, long-legged thing. I will tell you I was none too happy about it at first. I growled at her for a week or so when she angered me,… Continue

A new friend for Gus!

Posted on July 4, 2008 at 8:48pm 6 Comments

Hello, friends! I haven't updated in awhile, so I thought I'd fill everyone in. After Sandy passed away, Gus was so sad and depressed, and just not himself. Well, we all were. After some serious consideration, we decided to get a new puppy. While we would have loved to get another corgi, we were in a bit of a hurry (since we are all mostly home in the summer, it is the ideal time to get a new pup) so we decided to adopt a puppy. We got a beautiful little mixed breed that we have named "Pearl"… Continue

A very sad day

Posted on June 24, 2008 at 5:17pm 17 Comments

We had to put Sandy to sleep today. It is one of the hardest things I've ever done. We all agreed it was time, though. Daily activities were just getting impossible for her, and we didn't want to see her suffer. She was a trooper right until the end. She never failed to greet me and try to follow me around the house, even when it was so difficult for her. She has been my constant companion through good and bad for 14 years, and always offered unconditional love. I miss her terribly. Gus misses… Continue

It's just TOO hot!!!!!!!!!

Posted on June 10, 2008 at 8:03pm 11 Comments

I'm sorry, I know it seems like I'm always complaining, but it is SO hot here in New York. We're having a heat wave, and Mom and Dad don't have air conditioning, so I'm really hot. Mom furminated me, and that helped, but mostly I just want to lay around. My cooling bandana from last year died, so Mom ordered me a new one, but it won't be here for a few days. Oh, I am so hot....

It's thundering...

Posted on June 6, 2008 at 8:29am 4 Comments

It is thundering and raining and I am NOT happy! I HATE the thunder-I don't know why, but it scares me. I hid under the bed for awhile, but now I am snuggled between mommy's feet in my "cave" (under the computer desk) slobbering and shaking. Oh, I hate the thunder! Make it stop!

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At 10:51am on August 24, 2011, Sarah Miller said…
I totally agree. .. Gemma needs some Corgi friends to play with so she can leave our poor cat alone, lol.
At 9:10pm on July 1, 2011, Laura said…
Hi Wynne! Do you go to any dog parks in the area? I would love to go to or organize a Hudson Valley corgi meetup!
At 10:24am on March 17, 2010, Izzy said…
Lilibet is grateful for the 10 on her dive! She hopes to have another good season this year. Swimming started today in the Severn River. She is exhausted and clearly has to work on her endurance.
At 6:48am on February 16, 2010, WhiteDove said…
Hi Wynne,

The Pupsters thought they had their own tent but we all slept in my SUV. . .glad we did cause Sid went ballistic when he heard a bear come into the campground. . . .whata dog!!!

At 12:50pm on May 9, 2009, Sylvia & Timmy said…
Great, that you can find it without going online. I put the dropper directly in Timmy's mouth and empty the dropper under his tongue. With the Trixsyn I still put it directly into his mouth and not on food or a treat. For some reason I remember that there is a higher absorbtion rate this way. Just IMHO, I'm not a medical person.

Please let me know if you see any improvement. Here's hoping!!
At 10:53pm on May 3, 2009, Sylvia & Timmy said…
I use Hyaflex. It's a heavier molecular weight and only use a small amount. It's pure HA and costs about $25 for a little more than a months supply. Timmy weighs about 37 pounds and we use .75 ml (3/4 of the eye dropper) once a day. The bottle is 30 ml.

There are other HA's out there. Timmy started with "Trixsyn" which is a lighter molecular weight, but we had to use it twice a day and more of it. Cost was about the same, but I opted for less and less often.
At 10:29am on May 3, 2009, Sylvia & Timmy said…
Yes, forgot to mention that we are doing the accupuncture, too. I didn't think Timmy would do well either. Must be the setting, people, not sure, but he did really well, even fell asleep! She has an assistant feed some really good treats to keep the front end busy. The needles are really fine and shorter than those for us. Of course since she's done this for years, she was quickly able to get them in and he stayed calm the whole time!! It was remarkable, and I couldn't believe it. Timmy has had three treatments now and only once did he even notice. So I felt like a fool, since I mentioned how he probably would be reactive and have a hissy fit. Sigh...........

She also mentioned that at this stage (managable) she wouldn't recommend any surgery. She is a proponent of stem cell injections. (Much less invasive and very good results). Company is called VetStem (down in San Diego, CA). What I like about her, (Dr. Sarah Green in Arcata, CA) is that she is progressive in her approach, and really listens to my concerns and babbling.

Before I tried the HA, I was contemplating surgery now, to avoid further deterioration of the joint which would mean pain, etc. Knowing what the future holds, I wanted surgery while he was still healthy and younger, since the joints hold up for many years (10, I believe), instead of waiting until he is severely affected by the degenerating joint. She calmed me down and said that she was open to continuing that conversation, but that it was way too early. Give her a chance to work with us using the HA, accupuncture, and if there was no improvement, then consider further drastic measures.

My mainstream friends think I've gone over the edge, but if it helps him stay active, I'll do it. Timmy lives for every day adventures, ball chasing and helping any way he can.

Give Gus some belly rubs and butt scritches from both of us and keep us informed.
At 11:31pm on May 2, 2009, Sylvia & Timmy said…
Long time no talk. Thought I'd pass along some information to you regarding treatment for the displastic hip. Recently I started to go to a vet that uses alternative methods in addition to standard treatment protocols. She recommended accupuncture treatments every 4-6 weeks for a few months. She also gave me some hyaluronic acid (HA) to give Timmy in addition to the Glycoflex III he was getting. With the addition of the HA he hasn't had a bad day in months. Even with hard exercise two to three times a week. I've been pushing it to see and it definitely is the one thing that has really helped him. With only the Glycoflex he was still coming up lame a couple of times a week. Now it's been a couple of months!!!! I found out that Hyaluronic Acid is also used by a lot of people doing agility and it has helped their dogs continue to be competitive. Currently I buy it from KVvet.com. I have no connection to the company or the site. I'm passing the information along and perhaps you can discuss it with your vet or other friends.

After I started using it, I discovered that Lab and GSD forums and networks have been using the stuff for a couple of years.

Hope that Gus is doing well and enjoying life as only a corgi can.
At 6:20pm on April 10, 2009, Parker said…
Hi Wynne and Gus! I noticed that you posted about Hip Dysplasia and unfortunately my dog just got the same dianosis. He's only a a year and half old. I was wondering if you have any tips for me and Grover. Thanks!!!! And I hope Gus is in top form!
At 4:20pm on February 20, 2009, Tauna and Kota said…
You wouldn't be willing to look after Kota while I'm looking for a job/place (prolly a couple months), would you? I have everything he would need. :D If not... no biggie. Just thought I'd try.

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