Hello, friends! I haven't updated in awhile, so I thought I'd fill everyone in. After Sandy passed away, Gus was so sad and depressed, and just not himself. Well, we all were. After some serious consideration, we decided to get a new puppy. While we would have loved to get another corgi, we were in a bit of a hurry (since we are all mostly home in the summer, it is the ideal time to get a new pup) so we decided to adopt a puppy. We got a beautiful little mixed breed that we have named "Pearl" from the North Shore Animal League in Long Island. They had so many dogs (and cats) that needed homes it made me sad we could only get one, but we were very drawn to Pearl. She is mostly black with some brown on her muzzle and brown dots over her eyes, and brown and black paws. She also has a little white on her chest. Not sure what she is, but they said part hound. She has LONG legs, which is funny to see after looking at a corgi for so long! The first two days Gus varied between ignoring her and growling, but the past two days have been much better, with them mostly playing side by side, and every now and then together. At least the growling has stopped! She is smart and realizes and accepts that Gus is "top dog", and Gus is seeming more like himself every day. He had never been an only dog and I think he was really grieving. We still miss Sandy terribly, but the pain is getting less with the realization that she had a wonderful, long life and her quality had gone so far down. I'll post some pictures of Pearl!

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Comment by FuzzyButt on July 5, 2008 at 6:08pm
I'm sure Pearl is happy to have a friend and a new family too! She is probably the happiest that she has ever been. Shelter/rescue dogs go through so much that they know when they have it made. I hope you all have many years of love and joy with her.
Comment by Cindi on July 5, 2008 at 11:24am
So glad you adopted Pearl. What a wonderful thing to do! And Gus will be totally in charge in no time at all. You know how 'dem corgis are! Best of luck with Pearl.
Comment by Butter on July 4, 2008 at 9:20pm
Congratulations on your new pooch; she is very cute!
Comment by Sam Tsang on July 4, 2008 at 9:19pm
Congrats on adopting Pearl!
Comment by Kitty's Corner on July 4, 2008 at 9:08pm
How excellent!! It,s probably good that you got a female,making it easier for Gus to accept her.It will be great to see pictures~have fun!
Comment by Juel on July 4, 2008 at 9:07pm
CONGRATS to you and GUS! can't wait to see pictures of the new tag team!

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