Mocha is the Jedi master in the house, his force is strong and not a whole lot of things in life can rattle him. His only nemesis is the Darth "blender".

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Vacuum, broom, soccer ball, tennis balls.

Our vacuum nozzles (plastic, fortunately) are full of tooth marks, and one is destroyed. Al & Gwynnie lose all control when the vacuum is turned on. They turn it into a contact sport, like ice hockey but more violent. Vacuuming is painful, because I MUST put them outside to get the job done, depriving them of their favorite game.

Gwynnie once ran off at night, no idea where she was, would not recall, missing 15 minutes. I opened the basement door and turned on the shop-vac. She had her teeth into the nozzle within 30 seconds.

Best toy is a junky soccer ball. We have access to a paved play area (no pets allowed) and they will chase a soccer ball as long as you're willing to kick it. They're pretty good soccer players. Anything smaller they can get their teeth into.

They'll chase a tennis ball all day long. If you do this indoors and have a downstairs neighbor, make sure they are unarmed and sedated.
Gwynnie is afraid of load explosive noises (gunfire, backfires, thunder). She suddenly turns into an entirely different animal. Once I saw the lightning flash, raced to get her on leash, missed the clip, she heard the boom, and ran off. Fortunately, she ran almost straight home without crossing any busy streets.
Cheez-it goes nuts about the obvious (Kennel-time, vacuum, rain/thunder) but what is strange is that he hate h.a.t.e..hates the sound the sprinklers make before the water comes out, that gargling underground flow of water always sends him flying to the door. He's also afraid of his own treat box! Yeah! I shook it to let him know it was treat-time and he ran, so I showed him food was in it, but he hates it. Stuff rattling around inside of containers makes him crazy.
The hair dryer. Roscoe hates it.
Vienna's new nemesis is the UPS truck, the UPS man comes around the time we go for walks in the evening, she can hear it as soon as it enters our neighborhood and go after it when she see it coming. She doesn't do that to any other cars, just UPS brown trucks.
Bindi's new Arch enemy is the cat across the street. That Cat will walk right up to the storm door and Bindi will paw feverishly at her barking. And the cat can not get enough of it!! :)
Kirby absolutely hates balloons!! He will bark and growl until he get the courage to run up to it and pop it! He has destroyed several of my nieces poor balloons!
Oh and like a lot of other Corgis on here..he hates the vaccuum. He will make sure that he is not even in the same room if I am cleaning!
Baby gates!! Oh my! I cannot stress enough how much Eowyn HATES baby gates! She stares at them forever and if they fall over, oh lord, she barks, howls, runs around! That is her worst phobia. We didn't have to use them once she grew up, but now we have another puppy and he loves to knock them over and she hates it so much! But she's not scared of things that should be scary like the vaccuum or the van or motorcycles. She loves those things, but baby gates...*shakes head*
Oh you know just the regular things like kids, bikes, voices he hears through the walls, motorcycles, garbage trucks. We are working on it :)

Its so funny sometimes Wyatt will hear the neighbors kids through the wall and he goes running back and forth barking and barking...I love it to a point because hes so funny, he does this galloping thing when he runs.
Add Sidney to the list of dogs that hates the vacuum. He runs away. Bruce (the old mix) will actually attack it, bless his heart. He's fearless, which must come from living at the Camp Pendleton Marine Base Animal Shelter!

Sidney gets scared of plastic grocery bags, so we need to be quiet with those. What drives him nuts, though, is when we call out to our cat Pippin. All it takes is one chorus of "Here Pippin, kitty, kitty, kitty!" to send Sidney into throes of insanity! He constantly keeps an eye on this cat (but not our other cat) and herds him whenever the cat is on the ground. Pip has learned how to navigate the house using tables, windowsills and other assorted furniture in order to avoid setting paw on the floor! Sid must have learned to connect this cat and his name and it makes him completely crazy!
Brody is the same with our cat. I don't think Dusty has walked on much of the floor for the past year and 1/2 as he will be right there trying to herd her. It also comes in handy as she isn't allowed in the bedroom (husband's allergies) so if she does sneak in all I need to say is "find the kiity" and he'll go zooming in to make her leave.
Skittles totally FRAPs when I get home from work and use my high-pitched "excite-the-dog" voice (I know, I know, I'm not supposed to...but it's just so funny to see her get worked up!). Sometimes we sing together too. It's pretty much the only time she makes noise.

When I first got her, she was afraid of household noises like the TV and banging pots and pans; I think it's because she was a show dog and not necessarily a "pet." She's gotten much better about those.

She FREAKS out when there's a loud noise though--vacuum (obvi), truck, gate clanging shut, airplane rumbling, kid charging at her screaming "Puppy!" and tugs like crazy on her leash like, "Let's get the eff out of here lady!" If she's indoors she hides under my desk.


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