Mocha is the Jedi master in the house, his force is strong and not a whole lot of things in life can rattle him. His only nemesis is the Darth "blender".

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Two words. . ."dog park". Cooper goes insane, he's so excited. Norton just sits there as if to say, "come on, shut up already!"

Norton's biggest fear is thunder which is pretty bad in central Florida. Cooper isn't really scared of anything.
My dogs have a similar reaction to the words "car ride". They go nuts, particularly Newman.
Mac is scared of the Vacuum and the Hair Dryer. She doesn't get excited or bark. She goes as far away from the object that she can get and just sits (yoda expression) and waits until it's over. We have tried to put treats on the vacuum and get her to like it, but so far nothing has worked. we recently bought a Deep Cleaning Vacuum and when my husband took it out of the box she got upset and went yoda ears even before it was put together, all it was was the handle. She knows that we keep the Vacuums in the Utility room and every time we walk in that room she goes to the fireplace and sits on the hearth and waits.
My previous corgi, Pooh, LOVED the hairdryer. I could never blow dry my hair without him being in my lap. ( I sit down on the floor to blow dry my hair if you are wondering. lol) Copper, not so much. When he was little I tried to get him used to it. You would have thought I was ripping claws out of a cat or something bad that makes a terrible noise. He is still nervous about it but he does come close to me and then walks away while I'm blow drying my hair.
Bindi is afraid of the hair drier. She'll come in and see if and just sit and watch me and i'll turn to her with it in my hands and She'll run as far away as possible come back and give a suspicious look and run again!
My Ritz's greatest fear is the garbage truck. When I'm walking him and we hear the sound of the garbage truck coming, he would want to run in the opposite direction. As for what makes him go crazy, I'd say the sound of the telephone ringing. Have not had much success in curbing this annoying habit.
Like Mocha, Junebug is pretty chill about things. She gets excited over the tennis ball, of course, and isn't bothered by any household appliance or outside phenomenon. She will go kookoo-ninny over people or cars she hears outside. (She actually looks scary, though she can't resist meeting a new person!). I think this is normal guard dog behavior.

We are most irritated, though, on the occasional night when a neighbor will be outside at 3 or 4 am whistling for his dog. We are jolted awake by a flying, barking blur. Things will quiet down, and then the neighbor will whistle again. OMG talk about wanting to kick someone in the shins! If I mimic the whistle, it will cause Junebug to bark. It's NUTS
I was reading the Chicago Heralds, and "Candy" a corgi owner wrote this:

I have 3-year-old Pembroke Welsh corgi and she has a problem with a TV commercial.

I have the TV on most of the day and she has no problem with TV commercials in general, but when the man's voice begins on the Empire Carpet ad, she immediately goes to the TV and stands transfixed.

At the end of the spot, when they sing the jingle with the 800 number, she cries.
that is way hilarious.

kaycee loves watching animal planet, and also most especially dog whisperer. I caught her on her back legs trying to get a better view of the TV once.
OMG! that is so silly!
The broom. Tilley hates a straw broom. But, on the flip side...she looooooooves the laser pointer or anything that casts light onto the wall, ceiling, floor...turns into a total freak and her entire body starts wagging.
Nick hates the vacuum and will wait for an opportunity to rush in and bite it while it is running. As soon as it is turned off, he loses interest. He also runs around the house barking during thunderstorms and when the doorbell rings either at home or if he hears it on TV.


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