i just want to find out is my dog Milka part corgi or just looking like it, i found her in a village near Belgrade 8 years ago, and to be honest i have never heard about corgis since not so long ago when a vet told me she may be one of them.... how can i tell? take a look at her pics plz.

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Oh yeah, she's got corgi in her. The head gives it away. Maybe a basest hound, or beagle mix.
oh my beautiful milka :D i am so happy, and just because a corgi sounds so funny and goes so well with her...
She definitely has some corgi in her. Perhaps one of her parents were pure corgi and the other maybe a corgi mix (maybe some Jack Russell or a tid bit of Chihuahua?) Whatever she has in her, she's beautiful!
thank u!
I'm thinking corgi/jrt. (But she truly needs to go on a diet. The extra weight will surely shorten her wonderful life.) Feel free to look at my page and the info on our Moira. She came to us over 47 lbs. and now weighs in at 27.
i know but it is just so hard with her, when i put her on a diet she goes out and eats anything she can found, one time she took a poison that some dog haters left and it was very hard to cure her, she was in a hospital for two weeks, so i think it is much safer this way anyway.... and she is fat for years now, she looks god comparing to the way she used to...
I understand what you mean.. But its hard for humans to lose weight too. I think she would thank you once she loses the weight. She doesnt have to know shes on a diet. You can cut half of her food, and give the other half green beans. (I'm not trying to pester you, i'm just trying to help.) I bet it was really hard for Cindi's dog too. But Moira got through it, so can Milka. Milka is a pretty girl.
Yes, it is hard for some animals to lose weight. I've rescued plenty of animals that were overweight. ( A lab that weighed close to 130 lbs and a siamese cat that weighed around 25 lbs.) We've had our lab for 12 years and with consistent dieting walks every morning and every night, we got him close to 100 lbs. But the vet said he was very healthy despite his weight. He lived until he was almost 15 years. Our kitty now is around 18-19 lbs and is 7 years old. The vet says she healthy as well. Her diet still continues! Then we rescued a Corgi who was about 50 lbs or more. In 7 months we got him down to 42 lbs.

Some animals lose weight fast, others don't. Just like humans! I think your baby is beautiful! If you feel safer not keeping her on a diet due to the fact she will eat anything insight because she is hungry, maybe you should feed her how you do but just up her exercise. It'll be safer than her eating everything insight like poison! (I can't believe someone would do something like that. I'm so happy she pulled through.)
I hope I didnt sound like I was telling you what you should do, Bojana.. I was rec. it. An easy way Chloe enjoyed exercise was by treadmill. She had a blast. We are just trying to come up with easy ideas for you if dieting was too hard for Milka.
She looks like a Cojak. When I saw her coat, it reminded me of a jrt. And the head of a corgi!.
of course u r right and i will try again, anyway my mother is taking her to long walks two times a day all ready and milka likes vegetables, ( milka likes eating bugs and trees and close with old shoes, paper.... :) so anything will goes well with her so why not a green beans..... :) she is everythingeater :D
It's so funny how some dogs are "hoovers" and eat anything in sight. Our female catahoula, Ayla, is like that. One thing about corgis, they are a bottomless pit. One has to watch what they eat and how much they walk, because they most often won't police themselves. Poor Moira looked like a hippo when we got her. (You can see pics on my page. You won't believe the difference.) Same with Rudy. He's lost enough that his tight collar he had on at the rescue shelter just fell off! He looks wonderful now.

Certainly, I'm not telling you what to do. Please don't see this as castigation. I just know that some new corgi, even corgi/jrt dog, owners aren't aware of how a corgi sees the world: a giant food source. As owners, we have to be tough with our love sometimes by watching their diet and exercise.

If I offended, I truly apologize! (And by the way, you're doing great with the veggies! Good for you!)


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