I know we've been talking about vomiting quite a bit on the forum lately, but I have an issue too!
Grover has been puking about everyother day or so lately. He seems fine, playful, energetic and normal (well, as normal as he can be!) but then, usually right after he eats, he'll puke. This is gross, but it's usually whole pieces of kibble (undigested!). I thought maybe he was eating too fast, so I started dividing his food up during meal times and feeding it to him in halves. I don't wait too long in between the two portions, so maybe that's the rub. We started doing this partly because of the puking, but also because he will sometimes gobble his food up soooo fast that he will just lay on his side after he eats and whine and moan, like he has a tummy ache.
What do you all think? I'm taking him in on Monday to get the big snip and clip (neutered), so I'll mention it to the vet then, but he JUST NOW puked again and I'm concerned.

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Sounds like maybe Grover is eating too fast. What brand of food is Grover eating?
Does your vet give free advice over the phone....thankfully mine does. Where the weekend is coming, I would be phoning. Especially where is has upcoming surgery....would there be a chance they couldn't do surgery until this is diagnosed and settles down? I would wonder.
I feed Grover Canidae. He does gobble his food down REALLY fast. I also just read on line that you really shouldn't exercise a pup right before eating and today, at least, we were running around, chasing a ball right before supper. I'm sure that's something we do often and just don't notice we are doing it. I'm going to talk with the vet before his surgery on Monday to make sure it is still safe to have the surgery if he is having this problem. I mentioned it to the vet before and he said that some dogs do this because of eating too fast. (By the way, I totally trust and love our vet. He is awesome and really helpful. So I feel comfortable that he wouldn't do the surgery on Monday if he thougtht was a bad idea).
Canidae is a quality food so that shouldnt be the issue. I would talk to the vet and she what he thinks. Good luck and keep us posted.
sort of related...i just found out from my vet that we shouldn't exercise Buster AFTER he eats. He said that dogs with deep chests, like Buster, can have their stomachs rotated. Now we have to wait to give him his dinner for several hours later.
Our pup was throwing up too...we thought it was because she inhaled her food so fast. Turns out, she had tonsilitis (no joke!) and it was causing a gag reflex. She had to have a steriod injection and put on medicine right away!


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