I was wondering what icky nasties you've found your corgi happily snacking on. Yesterday I found eero chewing on a toad leg (no toad attached). I was not happy to pull it from his mouth -- he was indignant that he lost his tasty snack.
Caradog is my mouser. I know it isn't Bella because she's too clutzy to catch a cold. He brings me dead field mice, but not before eating the tails off of them.
Big dead crow. The nastiest thing I've had to pick up and she had brought it in the house. Yuck.
Also, she LOVED cat poop! The vet calls them "sprinkle covered tootsie rolls" which I'm sure is how Ginny perceives them. Why WOULDN'T a good mommy let her into that treat jar called the litter box? So the litter boxes are safely behind the baby gate now. Oh, and the dryer sheet thing, too. If I'm folding laundry, she dives into the laundry pile with her nose scouting around trying to find the dryer sheet like it's a game.